How to Fix Incorrectly Entered Serial Numbers (using serialized invoice item types)
This help topic explains how to correct serialized invoice items when the serial number was entered incorrectly on an Item Receipt, Bill, Credit Card Charge, or Check. This topic also covers when an incorrect serial number was selected on an Invoice, Sale, or Customer Credit.
Occasionally, there comes a time when you fat finger a number or just scan the incorrect number into the wrong item line. Or maybe you selected the wrong serial number. It’s ok, things happen. In Total Office Manager, you can fix this issue quickly and easily. Here are complete steps and information on how to correct item serial numbers.
How to Locate the Serialized Item
You will first locate the serial number using the Serial Number List under Company | Inventory Adjustment. Right click on the serial number and choose the option View History. Click on the Purchased tab.
Fixing Serial Numbers on an Item Receipt
- Open the item receipt.
- Click on the Items tab and click the Serial # button.
- Change the entered serial number to the correct serial number.
- Save & close the transaction.
Fixing Serial Numbers on Bills When the Bill is Unpaid
- Open the bill.
- Click on the Items tab and click the Serial # button.
- Change the entered serial number to the correct serial number.
- Save & close the transaction.
How Can I Fix a Serial Number That Was Not Entered correctly on a Bill?
- Open the bill.
- Click on the Items tab and click the Serial # button.
- Change the entered serial number to the correct serial number.
- Save & close the transaction.
Fixing Serial Numbers on Bills When a Bill has Been Paid
- From the main menu, click Company > Inventory Adjustment > Serial Number List.
- Search for the serial number you are looking for.
- Right click on that serial number and choose the option Adjust Serial Number.
- Select the serial number in drop down and check the Remove checkbox.
- Save & Close the adjustment.
- Right click on the Serial Number List and choose the option Add Serial Numbers.
- Create a new serialized adjustment to enter the correct serial number with the same cost which was removed in Step #2.
- Save & close the transaction.
Fixing Serial Numbers on an Invoice or Sale
- Open the invoice, locate the serialized item, select the correct serial number, and save. You will need to select another serialized item. Be sure that the item is in the system before you open the invoice.
- Make sure the total invoice amount has not changed (unless you need it to).
- Total Office Manager might ask if you want to create Customer Equipment (depends of your settings). If you have already have created one, answer no. Open that equipment and update the serial number to the correct one.
Tips Related to Fixing Incorrect Serial Numbers
- You cannot delete a bill that has been paid, when that bill includes serialized items.
Other Help Topics Related to Fixing Incorrect Serial Numbers
Inventory Item Adjustment (Serialized)