
Customer locations provide the ability to assign and track work by varies addresses without creating multiple Customer:Job records. This location will be available for selection on work orders only. With the addition of the location tracking, the location will flow into the line items of invoices with the location association for the work order items used.Ā  Locations will contain no history as the history all belongs to the Customer:Job record.


Customer locations is a premium feature that must be purchased and activated from Help | Premium Features.Ā  This feature is a one-time fee of $499.00 and $69.00 – $109.00 annually for support renewal.Ā  If you are an Aptora Hosted customers, the feature is included in your month agreement pricing.

Once activated, you are ready to begin entering locations for your customers.

Location Setup

Locations may be setup from Customers | Lists | Locations or by right clicking on a Customer:Job and choosing the option to Add Location.

The location form includes the following information:

  1. Customer ā€“ This field is a dropdown selection that will display the customer list for only customers that have are the master customer record. All locations must have a customer selection to save the record. On edit of an existing record, this field will be disabled.
  2. Location Name ā€“ This is a text field to enter the name of the location. All locations must have a name entry to save the record. This field has a max character entry of 100 characters.
  3. Description ā€“ This is a text field to enter the enter information about the location. This field has a max character entry of 255 characters.
  4. Contact Name – This is a text field to enter the enter a contact for the location. This field has a max character entry of 100 characters.
  5. Address – This is a text field to enter the enter an address for the location. This field has a max character entry of 50 characters.
  6. Address 2 – This is a text field to enter the enter an address for the location. This field has a max character entry of 50 characters.
  7. City – This is a text field to enter the enter a city for the location. This field has a max character entry of 50 characters.
  8. State/Province – This is a text field to enter the enter a state/province for the location. This field will has a max character entry of 30 characters.
  9. Zip/Postal – This is a text field to enter the enter zip/postal code for the location. This field has a max character entry of 20 characters.
  10. Country – This is a text field to enter the enter a country for the location. This field has a max character entry of 30 characters.
  11. Phone – This is a numeric field to enter the enter a phone number for the location. This field has a max character entry of 20 characters.
  12. Alt Phone – This is a numeric field to enter the enter an alternate number for the location. This field has a max character entry of 20 characters.
  13. Latitude – This field will be disabled and display the Latitude for the zip/postal code entered.
  14. Longitude – This field will be disabled and display the Longitude for the zip/postal code entered.
  15. Payroll Tax – This section allows for selection of the Customer:Job payroll tax to calculate when work is performed at this location.

Location Usage and Selection

Within a work order, you may select a location in the Track to Location drop down.Ā  When a location is selected on a work order, the address of the location will populate in the Work Address of the work order. You will also see the location name appended to the WO number in all work order selectors throughout the program.

With the Locations Premium Feature, invoices will now contain the WO column in the item grid.Ā  As you add work orders to invoices, the work order location will also append to the invoice/sale/estimate/credit.Ā  You may manually make this association as well.Ā  If assigning work orders within the Assign Work Orders form on the invoice/sale/credit/estimate, the items on the work order will append the WO -location based on your preference selection for items.Ā  Please Note: You may opt to show this column in the Form Preferences of the invoice/sale/credit/estimate.

Only the Custom Styles offer the ability to include the location address information.Ā  To see these details, please add the desired fields to the details section in the designer. At this time, locations are only available for selection in the desktop application.Ā  It will be extended to additional programs in the future.