Similar to Inventory Item Bar Codes, Labels can be created for your Assets as well. In Total Office Manager, Asset Labels are created as easily as running a report.
Label Stock Requirements
These labels are designed to print on Avery brand #8160 labels (or equivalent) which are 1″ x 2-5/8″ in size, having 30 labels per sheet in a 3-column by 10-row layout. Ā Most other labels, such as removable labels, will also work as long as the label size and layout is the same as the Avery 8160 product.
Form Access
From the main menu, click Reports | Labels | Asset Labels, or use the Report Navigator.
Report Options
The following options are available for the Asset Labels Report.
Filter Options
- Asset – When using the Asset Manager, assets can be classified from a variety of asset types. Ā To filter asset labels by a particular asset type, select the asset type from this drop-down list.
- Employee – When using the Asset Manager, assets can be assigned to an employee. Ā To filter asset labels by assignment to a particular employee, select the employee from this drop-down list.
- Department – When using the Asset Manager, assets can be assigned to a department . Ā To filter asset labels by assignment to a particular department, select the department from this drop-down list.
- Manufacturer – When using the Asset Manager, the manufacturer of an asset can be identified. Ā To filter asset labels by a particular manufacturer, select the manufacturer from this drop-down list.
Additional Report Options
- Include Asset Type – When this checkbox is ticked, the asset’s classification type will be printed on each label.
- Include Department – When this checkbox is ticked, the asset’s department will be printed on each label
- Include Manufacturer – When this checkbox is ticked, the manufacturer of the asset will be printed on each label
Sort Options
The report can be sorted using up to two of the available methods, having each method sort in either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. Ā The report is initially sorted by the first method selected. Ā Within each previously selected method, results are sorted by subsequently chosen methods.
Print Options
- Across Then Down – When ticked, the labels will print as a row across the page before advancing down to print across the page in a new row (the same way you write a letter, left to right…top to bottom).
- Down Then Across – When ticked, the labels will first print as a column down the left-hand side of the page, then advance to print the middle column, then finally print the right-hand column.
- Cancel – The Cancel button closes the window.
- Preview – The Preview button will show an on-screen display of the report, from which a hard-copy can be printed. Ā The preview screen is also capable exporting the report in a PDF format for email use. Ā A text search function in the preview screen can be used to locate a particular string of text.
- Close Window on Preview – Ticking this checkbox will have the options window automatically close when the Preview button is clicked.
Below is an example report (which may have been cropped and shrunk to conserve space).Ā
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