Introduction to the Employee Efficiency CDV
Employee Efficiency CDV (Custom Data View) is a report that lists invoices, sales, and credits with the assigned work orders and labor hours associated.Ā This CDV also contains columns to show efficiency of the time estimated from the work orders to the hours the technician worked to the time billed on invoices. The report has “drill down” capability to open the transaction record.
Form Access
- From the main menu, click Reports | Custom Data Views

Update Your CDVs
Please be sure to update your CDVs. Go to the Custom Data Viewer menu (top left). Click Check for Updates.
Open the Employee Efficiency CDV
Then, in the Custom Data Viewer, click Data Views | Employee Efficiency

Columns and Data Definitions – Employee Efficiency CDV
Columns and data for the Employee Efficiency Custom Data View are outlined below:
Column Name | Form | Field | Notes |
WO Technician | Work Order : General Tab | Assigned To | |
Tran No | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Number | |
Tran Date | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Date | |
Tran Type | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Type located in Title Bar | |
WO Minutes | Work Order : General Tab | Duration | If the work order is a multiday, the minutes are the Duration for the employee where the work order is assigned to the transaction. |
WO Hours | Work Order : General Tab | Calculated Field | WO Minutes divided by 60 |
TS Minutes | Timesheets | Calculated Field | Sum of hours times 60 for technician where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries and the work order is assigned to the transaction |
TS Hours | Timesheets | Calculated Field | Sum of hours for technician where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries and the work order is assigned to the transaction |
Billed Minutes | Invoice/Sale/Credit | Calculated Field | Sum of transaction labor minutes for all items that are service items marked as Used for Labor Only Note: Labor Minutes is an item preference which must be enabled and labor minutes allocated to the invoice items. |
Billed Hours | Invoice/Sale/Credit | Sum of transaction labor minutes divided by 60 for all items that are service items marked as Used for Labor Only Note: Labor Minutes is an item preference which must be enabled and labor minutes allocated to the invoice items. | |
Total TS Hours | Timesheets | Calculated Field | Sum of hours for the transaction where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries and the work order is assigned to the transaction |
Total TS Minutes | Timesheets | Calculated Field | Sum of hours times 60 for the transaction where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries and the work order is assigned to the transaction |
% of Hrs | Timesheets | Calculated Field | Percentage of hours for technician divided by the total hours for the transaction where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries and the work order is assigned to the transaction |
WO Minutes Difference | Work Order/Transaction | Calculated Field | Difference of WO Minutes minus TS Minutes |
WO Hours Difference | Work Order/Transaction | Calculated Field | Difference of WO Hours minus TS Hours |
Billed Minutes Difference | Timesheets/Transaction | Calculated Field | Difference of Billed Minutes minus TS Minutes |
Billed Hours Difference | Timesheets/Transaction | Calculated Field | Difference of Billed Hours minus TS Hours |
Emp % Mins Billed | Timesheets/Transaction | Calculated Field | Percentage of % of Hrs times Billed Minutes |
Emp % Hrs Billed | Timesheets/Transaction | Calculated Field | Percentage of % of Hrs times Billed Hours |
Billed Efficency % | Work Order/Transaction | Calculated Field | Results of % of Hrs times Billed Minutes divided by TS Minutes |
Worked Efficency % | Work Order/Transaction | Calculated Field | Results of % of Hrs times TS Minutes divided by WO Minutes |
Hours Match? | Timesheets/Transaction | Calculated Field | Comparison of WO Minutes and TS Minutes |
Full Name | Work Order : General Tab | Associated Assigned To Employee | |
Employee Alias | Work Order : General Tab | Associated Assigned To Employee | |
First Name | Work Order : General Tab | Associated Assigned To Employee | |
Middle Initial | Work Order : General Tab | Associated Assigned To Employee | |
Last Name | Work Order : General Tab | Associated Assigned To Employee | |
Employee Number | Work Order : General Tab | Associated Assigned To Employee Number | |
Tran Subtotal | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Subtotal | |
Tran Tax | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Tax Total | |
Tran Total | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Total | |
% of Total | Timesheets/Transaction | Calculated Field | Results of % of Hrs times Tran Total |
TranBalance | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Amount Due | |
Discounts | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Calculated Field | Sum of all discount type line items within the transaction |
Total + Discounts | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Calculated Field | Difference of Tran Total minus Discounts |
% of Total w Discounts | Timesheets/Transaction | Calculated Field | Results of % of Hrs times Total + Discounts |
Tran Cost | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Calculated Field | Sum of transaction cost for all items that are not service items marked as Used for Labor Only. |
Labor Cost | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Calculated Field | Sum of timesheet hours times hourly rate where the Work Order is assigned to the Timesheet for the technician.Ā These rates may be reviewed in the Job Costing Time Sheet Details CDV. |
Labor Liab | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Calculated Field | Sum of timesheet hours times current rate plus hours times current liability where the Work Order is assigned to the Timesheet for the technician.Ā These rates may be reviewed in the Job Costing Time Sheet Details CDV. |
Total Labor | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Calculated Field | Sum of Labor Cost plus Labor Liability |
Labor Burden | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Calculated Field | Value set under Edit | Preferences | Customer:Jobs | Company Preferences | Apply Labor Burden to Job Costing |
Total Labor Burden | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Calculated Field | Sum of Labor Cost plus Labor Liability plus Labor Burden times Total Labor |
% of Total Cost | Timesheets/Transaction | Calculated Field | Results of % of Hrs times Tran Cost |
Total Cost w Labor | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Calculated Field | Sum of % of Total Cost plus Total Labor Burden |
GP $ | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Calculated Field | Difference of % of Total w Discounts minus Total Cost w Labor |
GP % | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Calculated Field | Results of Total Cost w Discounts divided by % of Total w Discounts |
Cust:Job Name | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Customer:Job Name | |
Cust:Job Display Name | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Customer:Job Full Name | |
Sales Rep | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Tran Sales Rep | |
Sales Rep Alias | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Associated Customer:Job Sales Rep Alias | |
Sales Rep First Name | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Associated Customer:Job Sales Rep First Name | |
Sales Rep Last Name | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Associated Customer:Job Sales Rep Last Name | |
Tran Department Display | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Tran Header Dept Full Name | |
Tran Department Name | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Tran Header Dept Name | |
Tran Department Alias | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Tran Header Dept Alias | |
Tran User Created | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Transaction Security Label | |
Tran Date Created | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Transaction Security Label | |
Tran User Revised | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Transaction Security Label | |
Tran Date Revised | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Transaction Security Label | |
Bill To Address | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Bill To Address | |
Bill To Address2 | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Bill To Address2 | |
Bill To City/State/Zip | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Bill To City, State, Zip | |
Bill To County | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Bill To County | |
Bill To Country | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Bill To Country | |
Bill To Subdivision | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Bill To Subdivision | |
Work Address | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Work Address | |
Work Address2 | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Work Address2 | |
Work City/State/Zip | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Work City, State, Zip | |
Work County | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Work County | |
Work Country | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Work Country | |
Work Subdivision | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Work Subdivision | |
TranID | Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate | Table ID of Transaction | |
EmployeeID | Employee | Table ID of Employee | |
CustID | Customer:Job | Table ID of Customer:Job | |
Generated Date | Custom Data Viewer | **** | Date the CDV data was generated |
Generated Time | Custom Data Viewer | **** | Time the CDV data was generated |