
Point of Sale is a Premium Feature in Total Office Manager. For information about purchase and hardware, please contact your sales representative.

Before proceeding with the use of the POS feature please be sure you have read the help topic on Point of Sale-Setup and Receive Payments.

The Point of Sale functions works on a Sales Receipt in Total Office Manager. At the current time the program will only allow full payments with a credit card. The program does not handle charges to multiple cards or multiple Card and other payment methods. If you have these circumstances enter an Invoice and process a Receive Payment for multiple payment methods.

Processing Sales:

Using POS Card Swipe:

  1. Go to Customers| Enter Sales Receipts or click the shortcut Icon from the Toolbar.

  2. The Customer will auto populate within the Customer field if the default Customer:Job Preference is setup within the POS user preferences.

  3. If the Customer:Job selected has a default payment method then the default payment method will be filled out automatically. If not select Authorize CC to process a Credit Card.

  4. Go down to the Item selection and enter the items or services rendered. (If you are using a Bar Code Scanner scan items into blank lines)

  5. Once the Sale is completely filled out, click the Check Out button. A new form will appear alerting the user to now Scan Card. Once the Credit Card is scanned a new status of Processing will appear.

  6. Ā If the Sale is approved, the user will receive a message indicating the Sale was approved and to click OK which will take you back to the transaction to Print.

  7. If the Sale is declined, the user will receive a message indicating the Sale is declined. At this point the User can click the Retry button to run the Sale again using the same method of payment or a different method of payment. If the user does not wish to process the Sale again, click Cancel to automatically void and close the Sale.

  8. Ā If the Scan Card form says Reading and does not change to the status of Processing after 20 seconds, a message box will be received indicating there was an Error processing the Transaction. The user can then click Retry to try again or Cancel to Void and close the Sale.

  9. To Print the Sale go to Menu | Print

  10. Click Save & Close or Save & New once Transaction is finished.

Using POS Cash:

  1. Go to Customers| Enter Sales Receipts or click the shortcut Icon from the Toolbar.

  2. The Customer will auto populate within the Customer field if the default Customer:Job Preference is setup within the POS user preferences.

  3. If the Customer:Job selected has a default payment method then the default payment method will be filled out automatically. Change the Payment Method to Cash.

  4. Go down to the Item selection and enter the items or services rendered. If you are using a Bar Code Scanner scan items into the line.

  5. Once the Sale is completely filled out, click the Check Out button.

  6. A Cash Drawer Form will appear. Enter the Amount of Cash Tendered within the field.

  7. To Print a Sales Receipt, select the Print Receipt option.

  8. Click OK after everything is entered. The Cash Drawer will open for the cash received and the Sales Receipt print form will load to continue with the printing task. Click Save and Close to close the completed Sale.

Using POS Check:

  1. Go to Customers| Enter Sales Receipts or click the shortcut Icon from the Toolbar.

  2. The Customer will auto populate within the Customer field if the default Customer:Job Preference is setup within the POS user preferences.

  3. If the Customer:Job selected has a default payment method then the default payment method will be filled out automatically.

  4. Change the Payment Method to Check.

  5. Enter the check number within the Check# field as it is listed on the check received.

  6. Go down to the Item selection and enter the items or services rendered. If you are using a Bar Code Scanner scan items into the line.

  7. Once the Sale is completely filled out, click the Check Out button.

  8. The Print Setup form for the default printer will load to print the Sales Receipt. Click ok to send the print job to the printer.

  9. The Sale will then automatically Save and Close.

  10. Insert the check received into the front drawer slot (located on both the right and left hand side of the front drawer if hardware was purchased from Aptora).

Processing Credit Memos (Returns):

Using POS Card Swipe:

  1. Go to Customers| Create Credit Memos/Refunds, or find the original Sale within the Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate List. Double click to Edit the original Sale and go to Menu| Create| Credit. (Creating the Credit from the Sale copies the entire Sale including all Invoice Items. You may delete any Invoice Items that are not being returned to the Customer.)

  2. Ā Once the correct Items have been designated within the Credit and the amount to be refunded has been checked, go to Refund| Credit Card.

  3. The Previous Transactions window will appear with a drop down to select the Transaction ID. This must be selected before proceeding to the next step. (You cannot process a Credit for a Customer unless you charged there Credit Card in Total Office Manager, also see requirements on processing Credits.) To find Previous ID go to Customers | Electronic Transactions | Electronic Transactions List. Locate previous charge and double click to locate Transaction ID.

  4. Once the drop down is selected a history of Transactions will appear containing the original dollar amount of the Sale being refunded.

  5. Select or enter the correct Transaction amount to Refund to Credit card then click OK.

  6. A new form will appear alerting the user to now Scan Card. Once the Credit Card is scanned a new status of Processing will appear.

    1. If the Credit is approved, the user will receive a message indicating the Credit was approved and to click OK which then returns user to transaction to print.

    2. Ā If the Credit is declined, the user will receive a message indicating the reason why the Credit could not be processed. At this point the User can click the Retry button to run the Credit again using the same method of payment or a different method of payment. If the user does not wish to process the Credit again, click Cancel to automatically void and close the Credit.

    3. Ā If the Scan Card form says Reading and does not change to the status of Processing after 20 seconds, a message box will be received indicating there was an Error processing the Transaction. The user can then click Retry to try again or Cancel to Void and close the Credit.

  7. Once the Credit is approved and the Transaction has been saved, a Journal Entry is automatically created by the system to properly reduce the balance of the Credit Memo. The Journal Entry created will reduce the Bank Account assigned as the default bank account within the Gateway setup. The offsetting account is Accounts Receivable. The Journal Entry Date will reflect the actual Credit Memo Date. The Journal Entry Number will read as, ā€œCC Refundā€. The Journal Entry Memo will include a brief description of what the Transaction was created for including the actual Credit Memo Number. The Journal Entry is also automatically applied to the Credit Memo to properly reduce the balance of the Credit. The user does not need to do any additional functions.

Using POS Cash:

  1. Go to Customers| Create Credit Memos/Refunds, or find the original Sale within the Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate List. Double click to Edit the original Sale and go to Menu| Create| Credit. (Creating the Credit from the Sale copies the entire Sale including all Invoice Items. You may delete any Invoice Items that are not being returned to the Customer.)

  2. Once the correct Items have been selected within the Credit and the amount to be refunded has been checked, go to Menu | Refund Cash.

  3. Once the Cash option is selected the Cash Drawer will open to take out money for the Customer.

  4. To print a Receipt click Menu | Print

  5. Click Save and Close on the Credit Memo to Close the Credit.

  6. Once Cash is clicked as the Refund Type and the Credit is saved, a Journal Entry is automatically created by the system to properly reduce the balance of the Credit Memo. The Journal Entry created will reduce the default Bank Account selected within POS Preferences which should be the Cash Drawer Bank Account that was recommended. The offsetting account is Accounts Receivable. The Journal Entry Date will reflect the actual Credit Memo Date. The Journal Entry Number will read as, ā€œCash Refundā€. The Journal Entry Memo will include a brief description of what the Transaction was created for including the actual Credit Memo Number. The Journal Entry is also automatically applied to the Credit Memo to properly reduce the balance of the Credit. The user does not need to do any additional functions.

Using POS Check:

  1. Go to Customers| Create Credit Memos/Refunds, or find the original Sale within the Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate List. Double click to Edit the original Sale and go to Menu| Create| Credit. (Creating the Credit from the Sale copies the entire Sale including all Invoice Items. You may delete any Invoice Items that are not being returned to the Customer.)

  2. Once the correct Items have been selected within the Credit and the amount to be refunded has been checked, go to Menu Ā | Refund Check.

  3. Ā A Check will appear with some information pre populated.

  4. The Bank Account will be assigned as Cash Drawer; however, this will need to be changed to the actual Checking account that Checks are written out of.

  5. The Pay to the order of will list the Customer:Job assigned on the credit.

  6. The Check Date will populate with the current date.

  7. The Memo will reference that the check is a Refund Check.

  8. The Account Selection will be listed as Accounts Receivable as this is the proper account to be used for refund checks. Do not change this account.

  9. The Amount will populate with the amount of the Credit Memo

  10. The Customer:Job will be assigned within the Cust/Vend column to properly affect that Customerā€™s account.

  11. Select the To Be Printed check box to print the Check at a later time or click print to print check now.Ā Ā Click Save and Close once the Check is complete.

  12. The Check is automatically applied to the Credit Memo to properly reduce the balance of the Credit.


Total Office Manager has many different reports that you can use to analyze your daily, weekly, monthly, yearly reports. If you are using a Cash Drawer you can use the End of Day Cash Report (Reports | Accounting | Banking) to get a Total of Cash, Check or Credit Card Charges for each Drawer (Bank Account).

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