
This topic covers the use of the serialized inventory item adjustment form. There is another topic that covers adjustments for non-serialized items called Inventory Item Adjustment (non-serialized).


Use this form to adjust the quantity on hand (how many you have in stock), locations of the item (what warehouse the item is located in), unit price, and serial number. Typically this form is used after an inventory is taken and the actual number of items in stock don’t match what Total Office Manager is showing, or possibly the item was in the wrong location (warehouse) or had an incorrect serial number.

You cannot add new serialized item to Total Office Manager using this form. If you need to add a serialized item, see the Items – Receive Items form or Items – Receive Items and Enter Bill form.

Form Access

  • From the main menu click Company > Inventory Adjustment > Serialized Items.

Field and Button Definitions

The following definitions are for the field near the top of the form.

Click this button to permanently delete the serialized item from Total Office Manager. You cannot delete any item in Total Office Manager that has history. History means that the item has been used somewhere in the program – perhaps in an invoice or estimate, etc.

The description of the serialized item. You cannot change the description field in this form.

Serial Number

The serial number of the serialized item. You may change the serial number, if needed.


The location of the serialized item. You may change there location here if needed.

Rev. Date

This is the date the item was received. Generally you should not change this date. If you received the item and entered the wrong date, consider going back to the Receive Item form and change it there.

Ref. #

This refers to the Reference field on the Receive Item form. You can enter text or change the contents as you wish.


  1. Open the form as noted above. Sort the columns as needed.
  2. To delete and item, click the red x that appears to the left of the item.
  3. Select a new serial number as needed.
  4. Select a new warehouse as needed.
  5. Change the Rcv Date (Received Date) field if needed.
  6. Enter or change the Reference # field if needed.
  7. Click OK when finished.


  • You must have proper permission to use this form. If you don’t have permission to use this form and need it, please see the Total Office Manager Administrator for help.
  • Total Office Manager includes a handy worksheet that was designed to help you take inventory. You may access it from the main menu by clicking Company | Physical Inventory Worksheet.
  • You can change serial numbers on item receipts.
  • You can change serial numbers on unpaid Bills.
  • You can adjust qty of serialized items when they have been received or a bill has been entered but you must use the Serialized Inventory Adjustment form.

Related Topics

Tips – Serialized Inventory Items Lost
Tips – Serialized Items – Correcting Serial Numbers
Inventory Adjustment – Non Serialized