
This topic covers the use of the non-serialized inventory item adjustment form. There is another topic that covers adjustments for serialized items called Inventory Item Adjustment (serialized).


Use this form to adjust the quantity on hand (how many you have in stock), locations of the item (what warehouse the item is located in), unit price, and value of the item.

Typically, this form is used after an inventory is taken for a job or special even and only a few items need to be adjusted. If you have taken a complete inventory and wish to adjust a number of items, consider using the Inventory Adjustment and Review form instead.

Form Access

  • From the main menu click Company > Inventory Adjustment > Non-Serialized Items

Field and Button Definitions

The following definitions are for the field near the top of the form.

Date The date and time the adjustment was made or last modified. Total Office Manager automatically populates this field.

The person who made the adjustment or last modification. Total Office Manager automatically populates this field.


This is an account from the Chart of Accounts that is used to record the change or gain in value. Example: You reduce the quantity on hand of the item. You now own less inventory. This is the account that will show the loss. Typically, this is the “Shrinkage and Spoilage” account.

Unit Price

The price you pay for each single item. This is known as your direct cost.


This field allows you to enter a reason why the adjustment was made. This is highly recommended.


This is a unique number that Total Office Manager uses to identify the record. This is like an invoice number.

The following definitions are for the fields found on the item grid.

Warehouse This is a list of warehouses that are available for this item to be located. Total Office Manager allows you to have as many as you like but you must have at least one.

The number of these items located in the particular warehouse. This field is read only. To make a change, use the New Qty field (explained below).

New Qty

This field offers you the opportunity to enter how many items (if any) are located in the particular warehouse. To change how many are located there, simply enter a new number.

Qty Diff

Total Office Manager calculates the difference between the QTY and the New Qty fields.

Total Value

Total Office Manager calculates the total value of the items by multiplying the cost of the item by how many you have in stock.

Total Qty

This is the total of how many of these items you now have in stock.


  1. Open the form as noted above.
  2. Select an item to adjust using the item selection list.
  3. Select an account using the account selection list. This is the account that will record the net gain or loss from your adjustment.
  4. Enter a new unit price, if desired. This is the price you pay for the item.
  5. In the memo field you may enter a note as to why this adjustment was made. This is highly recommended.
  6. In the Entry field, you will enter (or accept) a unique number that identifies the adjustment. This is just like an invoice number. Total Office Manager uses it to keep track of the adjustment.
  7. Enter a new quantity or change the warehouse of the item if needed. Please see the detailed explanation of each field above.


  • You must have proper permission to use this form. If you don’t have permission to use this form and need it, please see the Total Office Manager Administrator for help.
  • Total Office Manager includes a handy worksheet that was designed to help you take inventory. You may access it from the reports menu.

Related Topics

Inventory Adjustment and Review (batch adjustments)
Inventory Adjustment – Serialized