Best ERP Software for HVAC, Plumbing, Field Service Businesses

Contractor Accounting Software

Total Office Managerā€™s built-in contractor accounting software simplifies bookkeeping, accounting, and reporting processes into a single integrated platform.


Our contractor accounting software is designed to be simple enough for small businesses to get started while powerful enough to run a large enterprise operation.

Experience True All-In-One Software

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General Journal

Percentages of Completion


Custom Terms

Payment Discounts

Integrated Accounting ā€“ Eliminates QuickBooksĀ®

Total Office Managerā€™sĀ® integrated contractor accounting software eliminates any need for 3rd party apps like QuickBooksĀ®. If youā€™re familiar with QuickBooksĀ® then youā€™ll love Total Office Managerā€™s accounting software. Weā€™ve designed our software processes to be similar in order to simplify the learning curve. We can also help you migrate your QuickBooksĀ® data to Total Office ManagerĀ®.Ā 

Robust General Ledger

Improve accuracy and simplify data entry with Total Office Managerā€™s self-balancing general ledger which is the heart of our accounting system.

Complete Comprehensive Auditing

All transactions are written to a detailed audit trail log that cannot be turned off or tampered with. You will always know who did what, to which record, from what computer, and exactly when. This helps reduce the threat of embezzlement and fraud.

Fully Departmentalized Accounting

Gain the ability to track and manage incoming and outgoing money utilizing departmentalized accounting best practices.Ā  This information allows business owners and managers the ability to understand how each department is impacting the bottom line profit.

Create Payment Applications

Automatically create Summary of Work and Continuation Sheets off an invoice. Save time and increase accuracy because there is no double entry.

Never Close a Period

You never have to close an accounting period. If a mistake is found, it can be corrected and documented quickly.

Accounting Period Locking

You now have the ability to lock an accounting period. This prevents your companyā€™s financials from being manipulated and reduces the likelihood of theft and/or embezzlement. Editing financial information requires a special password available to only individuals who are authorized.

Date Input Warning

The system will warn you if a date falls inside or outside of a given set of parameters. This reduces risk of errors and improves accuracy and integrity of the accounting data.

Fast Adjusting Journal Entries

AJE can be made quickly and easily. We include a handy feature that allows you to automatically create copies of prior AJEs and automatic reversing Adjusting Journal Entries. ADJs can also be memorized so that they are automatically created on a schedule of your choice. This feature is controlled through Total Office Managerā€™s extensive security.

AIA Form Support

Integrated support for G702 and G703 forms. Eliminate 3rd party applications to do this.

Accounts Receivables

Work in Progress (WIP) or Construction in Progress (CIP)
Revenue and costs are not to be recognized on financial statements as income and expense until the job is complete, or in some cases as certain milestones are completed for the job. This gives managers a more accurate assessment of financial performance.

Percentage of Completion
Invoice clients based on percentages of completion and milestones. Get paid faster and improve cash flow.

Easy Retainage Management
Track which clients owe your company retainage (or hold-backs) and automatically invoice them at the correct time. Keep money flowing into your business.

Receive and Track Down Payments
Easily receive a down payment for jobs (even in the field) and apply that to the balance when complete.

Create Unlimited Invoice Terms
Make it easy for clients to pay on time with custom terms and reduce the headache of applying payment discounts and late payment penalties.

Automatically Calculate Early Payment Discounts
The Receive Payment system automatically calculates customer payment discounts. Save time and reduce mathematical errors.

Credit Hold Management
Place clients on credit hold so you do not miss an opportunity to collect when they call for service or warranty work. You can optionally apply a secret password to anyone on credit hold.

Print Customized Statements
Get paid faster with 100% customizable statements. We offer many ways to quickly select only the people you want to send statements to. We even have a ā€œFriendā€ feature that prevents statements or finance charges from ever being applied.

Access Finance Charges
Easily access finance charges using numerous rules and calculation methods. If your client pays you but withholds the finance charge, you can painlessly reverse that charge on the fly.


  • Friendly, Easy To Use Interface
  • Generous Field Lengths and Room for Notes
  • AIAĀ® Billing Option
  • Sell From Multi-Locations Including Trucks
  • Create Flat Rate Pricing Books
  • Import Vendor Items and Pricing
  • Highly Detailed Sales History
  • Automated Sales Commissions
  • Attach Documents to Jobs
  • Unlimited Notes Per Job or Client
  • Preferred Vendor Tracking
  • Best Price Tracking
  • ā€œOn Fileā€ Credit Card Storage
  • Heavy Duty Credit Card Security
  • Strong Credit Card Number Encryption
  • Credit Card Number Validity Checking
  • Multiple Default Payment Methods
  • Batch Check ACH Processing
  • Batch Credit Card Processing
  • Canadian Payment Options Available
  • Supports Progress Billing
  • Handles Down Payments and Retainage
  • Multiple Sales Tax Rates and Authorities
  • Line-By-Line Item Sales Tax Methods
  • Group Sales Tax Items Together
  • Handles Sales on Consignment (floor plan)


  • Friendly Easy To Use Interface
  • Generous Field Lengths and Room for Notes
  • AIAĀ® Billing Option
  • Sell From Multi-Locations Including Trucks
  • Create Flat Rate Pricing Books
  • Import Vendor Items and Pricing
  • Highly Detailed Sales History
  • Automated Sales Commissions
  • Attach Documents to Jobs
  • Unlimited Notes Per Job or Client
  • Preferred Vendor Tracking
  • Best Price Tracking
  • ā€œOn Fileā€ Credit Card Storage
  • Heavy Duty Credit Card Security
  • Strong Credit Card Number Encryption
  • Credit Card Number Validity Checking
  • Multiple Default Payment Methods
  • Batch Check ACH Processing
  • Batch Credit Card Processing
  • Canadian Payment Options Available
  • Supports Progress Billing
  • Handles Down Payments and Retainage
  • Multiple Sales Tax Rates and Authorities
  • Line-By-Line Item Sales Tax Methods
  • Group Sales Tax Items Together
  • Handles Sales on Consignment (floor plan)
  • Built-in Sales Opportunity Manager
  • Built-in Customer Relationship Manager
  • Create Credit Memos and Refunds
  • Automatic Invoice Payment Application
  • Extensive Lookup and Search Capability
  • Popup Notes by Client or Job
  • Past Due and Over Credit Limit Alerts
  • Password Protected Credit Hold
  • Print Warehouse Pick Tickets
  • Automatic Purchase Order Creation
  • Email Estimates as a PDF Attachment*
  • Create and Reuse Estimate Templates
  • Unlimited Markup Methods
  • Unlimited Markup Tables
  • Track Estimated and Actual Gross Profit
  • Preference to Sell Out of Stock Items
  • Assess Finance Charges
  • Print Statements and Past Due Notices
  • Statement Report Designer
  • Invoice/Sales/Proposal Report Designer
  • Exclude Friends and Family from Notices
  • Rock Solid Security and Auditing
  • Optional Mobile Management
  • Dozens of Sales and A/R Reports
  • Training Videos and Manuals
  • Comprehensive Context Sensitive Help
  • Built-in Sales Opportunity Manager
  • Built-in Customer Relationship Manager
  • Create Credit Memos and Refunds
  • Automatic Invoice Payment Application
  • Extensive Lookup and Search Capability
  • Popup Notes by Client or Job
  • Past Due and Over Credit Limit Alerts
  • Password Protected Credit Hold
  • Print Warehouse Pick Tickets
  • Automatic Purchase Order Creation
  • Email Estimates as a PDF Attachment*
  • Create and Reuse Estimate Templates
  • Unlimited Markup Methods
  • Unlimited Markup Tables
  • Track Estimated and Actual Gross Profit
  • Preference to Sell Out of Stock Items
  • Assess Finance Charges
  • Print Statements and Past Due Notices
  • Statement Report Designer
  • Invoice/Sales/Proposal Report Designer
  • Exclude Friends and Family from Notices
  • Rock Solid Security and Auditing
  • Optional Mobile Management
  • Dozens of Sales and A/R Reports
  • Training Videos and Manuals
  • Comprehensive Context-Sensitive Help

*Requires MS Outlook, Express, or Mail; an email account; and an internet connection.
Specifications subject to change without notice.

Total Office Manager is Simplifying Accounting

Live Demonstrations Performed by Professionals for Free. No Obligation.

The best way to learn about Total Office Managerā€™s comprehensive sales and A/R system is to attend one of our live no sales BS product demonstrations. Please contact us for more information at 913-492-9930.

Expert Training and Consulting

We offer internet-based training and on-site training. We have produced a set of videos and manuals that guide you through most processes. We have thousands of help articles.

Technical Support and Updates

We know that there is no substitution for being able to just pick up the telephone and talk to someone knowledgeable. Thatā€™s why Aptora is known for its outstanding technical support.

  • All technical support is performed ā€œin-houseā€ by trained professionals. We provide our technicians with extensive ongoing training. If they do not have the answer, they can speak with someone in our company that does have the answer.
  • We do not farm out software programming services or technical support to other countries.
  • We have employees, not contractors working from home.
  • Our support staff is highly qualified and made of technicians, programmers, and accountants.

No software is perfect and neither is Total Office Manager. The difference is that we will own up to our mistakes and fix them quickly without excuses. Aptora is very aggressive when it comes to enhancing and perfecting Total Office Manager. Updates are easily downloaded from the internet. We offer a variety of support packages to fit any need or budget.

Total Office Manager


  • ComforTech: #1 Business Management Software Award
  • Electrical Contracting Products: Innovation Award
  • Dealer Design Awards: Honorable Mention
  • ComforTech: #1 Business Management Software Award
  • Electrical Contracting Products: Innovation Award
  • Dealer Design Awards: Honorable Mention
  • ComforTech: #1 Business Management Software Award (again)
  • Finalist Electrical Contracting Products: Innovation Award
  • CPA Technology Advisor: 5 out of 5 Star Rating
  • ComforTech: #1 Business Management Software Award (again)
  • Finalist Electrical Contracting Products: Innovation Award
  • CPA Technology Advisor: 5 out of 5 Star Rating

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