
Most companies are required to send in a Form 941, a Quarterly Federal Tax Return. Select Form 941 from the payroll menu to open the Form 941 selection dialog.

Form Access

  • From the main menu, click Employee | 941 (Employerā€™s Federal Quarterly Tax Return)


  1. Select the year and select the quarter you wish to report. If there is existing data for the year and quarter selected, the user is prompted to overwrite or use existing data.

  2. The Form 941 details form allows the user to edit some data. Fields with a white background are editable.

  3. Follow the IRS instructions for filling out the Form 941.


  • If you have questions about the IRSĀ 941 form, the best person to speak with is your companyā€™s personal accountant. This is the only person that has detailed knowledge required to give you accurate information.

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