
This help topic explains how to use the batch printing of vendor checks feature in Total Office Manager.


This form allows you to print multiple checks at one time.

Each time you write a check, create an invoice, or create certain other forms in Total Office Manager, you have the option to check the To be Printed option. This marks the record as something you wish to print later. This allows you to print invoices, checks, or what ever, at a later time.

This feature does not include printing payroll checks.

Form Access

  • From the main menu click File | Printing | Print Forms | Vendor Checks.

Field Definitions

Bank Account – This is the bank account your check will draw from to pay the bill.
First Check Number – Enter a number to use as the beginning check number. This is the first check number that will be used if you use the “To Be Printed” option.
Payment Date – Check date. Total Office Manager automatically populates this field with the current date but you can change it if needed.
Payee – Check this check box to indicate which vendor you wish to pay.
Amount – The amount of sales tax that you have collected and now need to pass on (pay) to the sales tax authority.

Button Definitions

Select All – Selects each and every record in the list.
Select None – Deselects all records in the list that may have been marked.
OK – Produces the checks and sends them to your printer.
Cancel – Closes the form without producing any checks.


  1. Open the Print Checks form as directed above.
  2. Change the Check Date if needed.
  3. Enter or change the Starting Check Number if needed.
  4. Adjust the Show Sales Tax Through date as needed to display the correct date range.
  5. Mark which checks you wish to print.
  6. Click OK to commit your changes and send the checks to your printer.


  • You wish to consider having a good laser printer for every day reports. An inexpensive ink jet type printer can be handy for printing checks. Leave this printer loaded with check stock and dedicate it for check printing only. You may also have another printer pre-loaded with special paper (like forms or letter head) for printing invoices or statements.

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