
This feature allows you to lock Total Office Manager so that other users cannot use Total Office Manager from your computer.  When activated, Total Office Manager’s Company File Lock prevents users from seeing or editing ANYTHING in Total Office Manager.

This is handy because when you walk away from your computer, others can gain access to Total Office Manager using all of your rights and permissions. Work they do to Total Office Manager will be logged in Total Office Manager as if YOU did it. Use the Company File Lock to prevent this.


  1. From the main menu, click File | Lock.

  2. When you are ready to start using Total Office Manager again, enter your own private password. This is the SAME password you use to log into Total Office Manager.


  • Keep your password secret. Do not share your password with any of your coworkers.

  • Use this feature anytime you leave your computer unattended.

  • You can also set up your computer’s screen saver with a password. However, Lock is instantaneous. Your screen saver relies on a timer.