What Software Technical Support Agents Can and Cannot Do

If you have a question about the way Total Office Manager™  works, the best way to get an accurate and immediate answer is to consult the online help system (what you are in right now), and other areas of our website. Please also check our YouTube channel here.

Maybe 95% of all the technical support questions that we answer are answered in the on-line Help system.

The Scope of Technical Support

Technical support agents address questions related to what features are available, where to find those features, and what those features were designed to do. They are not trained to offer business or accounting advice. For example, a support agent can tell you how to create a new Chart of Account.  They cannot advise you on if you should create a COA, what to call it, or what type of account to use.

Technical support cannot address questions for or help you with, software that Aptora does not sell. For example, we cannot help you setup your email in Outlook or Google Mail. We cannot help you import into MS Excel. We cannot help you fix problems related to your network or internet access.

Technical Support avoids addressing questions that would be best answered by an IT professional, accountant, or business consultant. Aptora can recommend an IT company if you do not have one that you are comfortable with.

Consulting and Training

Aptora’s training department will provide detailed answers to questions normally addressed by accountants and business consultants. We offer onetime services as well as ongoing consultation. We also offer onsite consulting that provides in-depth, hands-on help, that is specific to your company’s situation.

Accounting Bookkeeping Firm Recommendation

Aptora can recommend a great accounting firm called RA Tax and Accounting. Aptora’s president, James Leichter, is part of that accounting firm. They provide regular bookkeeping, accounting, tax preparation, and advanced Total Office Manager consulting. RA Tax and Accounting are the small business experts specializing in the HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and related industries.

Aptora Pros

Be be sure to join and participate in our Facebook Group called Aptora Pros.

Participants share ideas, ask questions, and toss around ideas. Aptora actively participates in this group and we would love to see you there.

Related Software Support Topics

In addition to software support, Aptora offers training and consulting. Please see this topic for more information.

This topic explains the levels of support offered by the various departments at Aptora.