
The Custom Footer List is used to manage custom footers. Ā These footers are then available from print options when printing invoices, sales, credit memos, and related forms.

Form Access

  • From the main menu, click Company | Lists | Custom Footers

The Custom Footers List, used to manage the footers which appear on invoices, sales, and similar documents.


Perhaps the easiest way to use this list is through its right-click menu. Ā The right click menu is identical to the title menu.

  • To create a new custom footer, right click anywhere in the list and choose New Footer from the pop-up menu.
  • To edit a custom footer, right-click on it and choose Edit Footer from the pop-up menu.
  • To delete a custom footer, right-click on it and choose Delete Footer from the pop-up menu.
  • To inactivate a custom footer, right-click on it and choose Inactivate Footer from the pop-up menu.
  • To export whatever information is currently displayed in the list, right-click anywhere in the list and choose Export List from the pop-up menu.

Creating a New Custom Footer

  1. Right-click anywhere in the Custom Footers list and choose New Footer from the pop-up menu. Ā The “New Custom Footer” form will appear.
  2. Enter a name for the new custom footer in the “Name” field.
  3. Enter the actual footer in the “Text” field.
  4. Format the footer using the following controls:
  • Bold – The Bold button toggles on/off bold formatting for highlighted text.
  • Italic – The Italic button toggles on/off Italic formatting for highlighted text.
  • Underline – The Underline button toggles on/off Underline formatting for highlighted text.
  • Strikethrough – The Strikethrough button toggles on/off Strikethrough formatting for highlighted text.
  • Justification – The Justification buttons control the positioning for highlighted text.
  • Cut/Copy/Paste – The Cut/Copy/Paste buttons help manage text. Ā The Cut button removes any highlighted text and places it onto the system’s clipboard. Ā The Copy button places a copy of any highlighted text onto the system’s clipboard, leaving the source text intact. Ā The Paste button puts the contents of the system’s clipboard to where the cursor is located.
  • Font – the Font button opens a commonly used font control.
  1. Click OK to save and close the form, or Cancel to close the form without saving.


  • A footer can be made inactive from within the form itself by ticking the Inactive checkbox.
  • A Custom Footer is not the same as a Customer Message. Ā Please don’t confuse the two. Ā See the related topic, “Customer Message List” for more info.