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How to Create a Custom Template for Printing and Emailing

Custom reports have been added to Total Office Manager for ease in making customized Invoices and reports that reflect your company. You can use this same report builder to create Custom Invoices, Sales, Credits, and Estimates.

Custom Template orm Access

  • From the main menu, select Customers |Invoice/Sale/Credit/Estimate List | Reports | Invoice Print Setup. From the print setup screen, click the Custom Styles drop-down and choose Add New.
  • From an Invoice, select Menu | Print/Email Setup. From the print setup screen, click the Custom Styles drop-down and choose Add New.

Getting Started

To create your custom Invoice you simply need to know what information you want to appear where on the Invoice, how to get that information there and what you can and cannot do in the Custom Invoice designer.

For example; If you want your customer’s name to appear on the Invoice, you need to select the ‘Customer Phone’ field and drag it where you want it to be. Now, when you preview or print and Invoice using the Invoice template you created the customer phone number will appear where you wanted it.

Before discussing the various fields as they relate to information on the actual Invoice we will first cover the Custom Invoice template interface.

  • Before diving in to create one, we highly recommend you study the default layout of a new Template and refer back to this Help Topic to help you understand why certain things are placed the way they are and how they work.

The Custom Invoice template in ā€œDesign Viewā€ (see Figure 2) The left side of the custom template (green arrow) consists of a list of fields which pull information from various parts of the actual invoice, all of which can be placed anywhere on the invoice and formatted individually. The right side of the window (red arrow) displays the properties and formatting categories for each component of the custom report. The top (blue arrow) shows the toolbar. The custom report template shows in the center pane.

The bottom right of the template window displays two buttons: Design and Preview (Figure 3). The ā€œDesignā€ button shows you the template as it is being modified. Selecting the ā€œPreviewā€ button will allow you to see the document in ā€œPrint Previewā€ without saving, that is, you can see how the Invoice will look with actual information from an actual Invoice. Toggling back and forth between these buttons is allowed (and recommended) during the Invoice modification process.


The Center Pane is broken down into sections. By default these sections are Page Header, GroupHeader1, Detail, GroupFooter1, and PageFooter. You are able to add additional sections as well as remove sections. All sections are collapsible and expandable. Items placed in a section are confined to that section and any manipulation to an item can only occur in that section.

Each section has its own properties (see the Properties section below for more information on properties). These properties control various functions related to each section and should generally be left alone. While you are free to edit and modify these properties, it is not recommended you do so unless you have knowledge of working with Active Reports.

Page Header

Information placed in the PageHeader section will appear at the top of every printed page. This means that if you print an Invoice or Estimate that is three pages long, the top of each page will contain the same information. This section is useful for:

  • Company information, such as addresses and logos
  • Customer information, such as names, addresses, and contact information
  • Transaction information, such as transaction type (e.g Invoice) and number
  • Column headers (read: labels) for information that will appear in the Detail Section.

Group Header & Group Footer

The GroupHeader and GroupFooter are lesser used sections as any information displayed here will appear below any information placed in the Detail section, creating an overlap of information. While it does have its uses, this is usually left blank or at its default. This section is useful for:

  • WatermarksNote: When you create a New Custom Invoice, this section is populated by three images: Paid, Void, and In Progress. Based on the status of the transaction, one of these three images will appear when printing. Please take care when modifying or deleting these images. These are pre-programmed and these effects cannot be duplicated or recreated by users.


The Detail section serves a special purpose. This section should only be used for fields that include the word ‘Trans’, such as the ‘Trans Line Item’ field. All fields in this section will duplicate once for each line item on your Invoice, Sale, Credit, or Estimate. This means that while your Invoice may have 15 line items on it, you only need to place the Trans Line Item field once and when it prints its will display 15 different lines appropriate to your items. This applies to the Quantity field (Trans Line Quantity), Price fields (Trans Line Price), and all other line item related fields such as Serial Number, Description, and so on.

Page Footer

Information placed in the PageFooter section will appear at the bottom of every printed page. This means that if you print an Invoice or Estimate that is three pages long, the bottom of each page will contain the same information. This section is useful for:

  • Customer Messages
  • Disclaimers/Legal Information
  • Contact Information
  • Page Numbers
  • Totals (e.g. Sales Tax, Subtotal, Customer Balances)


These custom reports allow changes to be made to the background color, additions of logos or graphics, and font styles and sizes to be changed. The separate elements of the report can also be moved. Essentially, the Invoice template can be formatted in a way that best suits the company information.


    1. Before editing the custom Invoice, the first step is to determine whether the Invoice will include ā€œLinesā€ or ā€œNo Linesā€.
      • From the menu select Templates | Lines or No Lines
    2. Review the template to determine what information defaults into the document. Adding a field to the template is easy as clicking and dragging the field box to the preferred location in the Invoice.

      • Selecting to include a field in the Invoice from the Fields column will automatically display the appropriate information in the completed Invoice. For example, selecting ā€œCustomer Phoneā€ from the Fields column and placing into the Invoice will show the words ā€œCustomer Phoneā€ while in the ā€œDesignā€ view. Viewing the same revisions in ā€œPreviewā€, however, will display the customer information associated with the corresponding field description, or the client’s actual telephone number.

        • For more information on Invoice Fields, see the Invoice Fields section in this help topic.
    3. Review your changes in ā€œPreviewā€ view and go back to ā€œDesignā€ view to make any adjustments.

      Below is a sample of a report in ā€œDesignā€ view. Note the usage of labels such as ā€œBill to Addressā€ and ā€œWork/Ship To Addressā€, as well as the Work Order Fields such as Trans: Bill Line 1 (which will be covered later in this topic).

      Below is a sample of the report in ā€œPreviewā€ view, displaying the corresponding customer information for each field name in ā€œDesignā€ view. Notice that the date, number, Bill To and Work/Ship addresses are all complete with customer information. The name of the document, Work Order, has also replaced the ā€œTrans Titleā€ field found in ā€œDesignā€ view.

    4. Manipulating the size of a box simply requires clicking and dragging the box edges to the desired dimensions.

      • This will not stretch the contents of the box but rather offer more room for content display.

  1. To add a picture or graphic to the Invoice, find and select the image icon on the toolbar. This selection will change your mouse cursor to a crosshair shape.
    • Click the image icon on the toolbar and drag out the size of the image box preferred in the section of the Invoice you wish the image to be in. The box you draw is simply a placeholder which can be resized or moved later to suit the image and your needs.

    • Inserting the image to the box requires returning to the Properties column to the left of the template. Make sure your image placeholder is selected, then locate the ā€œPictureā€ option among the properties and select it.

    • A gray square will appear to the right of the option (Figure 12). Click the box to open a browser window which will allow you to search for and select your image. Find the appropriate image and select the open button.

      • Other related properties are covered in more depth in the Properties section of this help topic.

  2. Ā There is a Line Wizard Tool on the Custom Report Writer. The icon for this Tool is listed as ā€œLine Builderā€ on the Template Toolbar. The Line Builder can be used to build custom lines within the Detail section of any Custom Template.

    • The cursor must be placed within the Detail section or the Detail Header must be selected before the Line Builder button can be selected to begin building lines.

    • Enter the inch marker to select where the line is to be placed. A color and line style can also be selected. The offset selection allows you to make the line shorter than the end of the detail section, or longer than the detail section of the Template.

    • Note: This tool will override the main Template selection of ā€œLinesā€ or ā€œNo Linesā€

Toolbar and Button Definitions

The Custom Invoice document interface contains a number of buttons along the tool bar (top) and several of these have further customizable properties which are adjustable once you have created and selected an item in the document. These changeable properties appear on the right side of the screen.

(Note: You can hover over each label to see an image of its related toolbar icon.)
Select: The ā€œSelectā€ tool gives the ability to click on and drag a field box to another location in the document. (Right Clicking will produce a fly-out menu with further options.)Label: The ā€œLabelā€ tool will allow you to create a new label in the invoice. Labels typically include all field headers (e.g. PO #, Terms, Items, etc.)

  • To change the Label text; select the Label box in the document edit the text for the Caption field in the Edit Tools section on the right.


Figure 14: Use labels to create field headers (Blue Arrows) that will designate what
information will be contained in the relative columns or rows.

Textbox: The ā€œTextboxā€ tool works similarly to the Label tool, except that it is intended for general text, not labels, to be added to the Invoice.
  • To change the Label text; select the Label box in the document edit the text for the Text field in the Edit Tools section on the right.

Image: The ā€œImageā€ tool allows images to be imported into the Invoice. Use the image tool to add Logos or other graphics to customize your Invoice. Use this tool to create a placeholder for your image. You must then use the ā€œPictureā€ Property (see Properties and Edit tools section of this topic) to actually browse for, select and insert the image.

Line: The ā€œLineā€ works like the line tool in the Microsoft Word drawing toolbar. This is used for making lines in the Invoice document.

Rich Text: The ā€œRich Textā€ tool allows for creating a custom sized text box in the Invoice document and allows for text to be entered directly into that box or through the Text field in the Edit Tools section.

Page Break: The ā€œPage Breakā€ tool is used to add page breaks to the document. Page breaks can only be created in Detail or Group sections.

  • Take care when adding Page Breaks in the details section. For Invoices with a large number of items, you can end up with more pages than you want.

Page Number: The ā€œPage Numberā€ tool allows page numbers to be added to the invoice (i.e. Page 1 of 2, 1 of 2, etc.). When choosing to include page numbers, options for the location and style of the page numbers are available.

Checkbox: The ā€œCheckboxā€ tool will create a check box in the document.

Font Style: The ā€œFont Styleā€ tool simply allows users to select the preferred font style for the Invoice.Ā 

Font Size: The ā€œFont Sizeā€ tool changes the size of the text.

Bold: The ā€œBoldā€ tool makes selected text or textbox bold.

Italics: The ā€œItalicsā€ tool italicizes the selected text or textbox.

Underline: The ā€œUnderlineā€ tool underlines the selected text or textbox.

Font Settings: The ā€œFont Settingsā€ tool combines the Font Style, Font Size, Bold, Italic and Underline into a convenient windowed interface which also features Strikeout and Font Color options as well as a list with variations on the Bold and Italics settings.

  • This is the suggested interface for changing your Font Style as it also shows you the ā€œTypeā€ of font you have selected.
  • Ā Please take note of the ā€œFont Typeā€ displayed as text at the bottom if this window. It will display whether the font you have selected is a Screen/Limited Font, TrueType Font or OpenType font. TrueType and OpenType fonts will be the same on your computer and on printed paper while Screen/Limited Fonts cannot be printed and will automatically be replaced by a similar type of font when attempted to be printed.

Left Align: The ā€œLeft Alignā€ tool aligns the left margin of the text within the field to the far left of its box.

Center Align: The ā€œCenter Alignā€ tool centers all text in the selected box.

Right Align: The ā€œRight Alignā€ tool aligns the right margin of the text within the field to the far right of its box.

Back Color: The ā€œBack Colorā€ tool adds the chosen color to the selected text/image box.Ā 

  • This tool can also be used to change the background color of the section. To do this simply click the section header or a blank area of the section and then use the Back Color tool to select a color.

Fore Color: The ā€œFore Colorā€ tool changes the color of the text in the selected box.

Line Color: The ā€œLine Colorā€ tool changes the color of the selected line.Ā 

  • This only applies to lines drawn with the Line tool or shapes made with the Shape tool.

Line Style: The ā€œLine Styleā€ allows you to change the style of the lines selected (i.e. solid, dotted, dashes, etc.).Ā 

  • This only applies to lines drawn with the Line tool or shapes made with the Shape tool.

Border: The ā€œBorderā€ tool allows you to add borders to lines or shapes. You are given options to choose from presets, choose your border style, color and add shadows. There is also a ‘Preview’ section for you to view how your choices will appear.Ā 

  • This only applies to lines drawn with the Line tool, shapes made with the Shape tool, Checkboxes and Images.

Undo: The ā€œUndoā€ tool removes the last change(s) made to the document.Ā 

  • This can also be done using the standard Windows shortcut, CTRL+Z

Cut: The ā€œCutā€ tool copies and removes the selected item from the Invoice and allows it to be pasted in another area or section of the Invoice.Ā 

  • This can also be done using the standard Windows shortcut, CTRL+XĀ 

Copy: The ā€œCopyā€ tool copies the selected item. Once copied, the item can be pasted anywhere in the document, similar to a ā€œCutā€ item.

  • This can also be done using the standard Windows shortcut, CTRL+CĀ 

Paste: The ā€œPasteā€ tool places the most recently cut or copied item in the selected area in the document.Ā 

  • This can also be done using the standard Windows shortcut, CTRL+V

Delete: The ā€œDeleteā€ tool will remove the selected item permanently from the document.

Bring To Front
: When two or more items are placed on top of each other or are otherwise overlapping in any way, the ā€œBring to Frontā€ tool will bring the selected item to the front (or on top) of all other overlapping items. So, only the areas of the item not overlapping will show.

Send To Back: When two or more items are placed on top of each other or are otherwise overlapping in any way, the ā€œSend to Backā€ tool will send the selected item to the back (or underneath) of all other items. So, only the areas of the item not overlapping will show.

NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, the following tools are active only when two or more boxes are selected. They will operate within each individual section of the Invoice only and, although they will move the selected boxes inside each section, they will not move a box from one section to another.

Please also note that when using the following tools, the last selected item will be used as the reference (or basis) when the tool is selected for use.

Example: If you select a Text Box and then a Label and choose the ā€œAlign Leftsā€ tool, the Text Box’s left side will align itself to that of the Label (since the Label, selected last, is used as the reference.)

Align Lefts: The ā€œAlign Leftsā€ tool will align the left sides of the selected boxes vertically.

Align Centers: The ā€œAlign Centersā€ tool will align the centers of the selected boxes

Align Rights: The ā€œAlign Rightsā€ tool will align the right sides of the selected boxes

Align Tops: The ā€œAlign Leftsā€ tool will align the left sides of the selected boxes

Align Middles: The ā€œAlign Middlesā€ tool will align the middles of the selected boxes

Align Bottoms: The ā€œAlign Bottomsā€ tool will align the bottoms of the selected boxes

Align To Grid: The ā€œAlign to Gridā€ tool aligns the text/image box to the nearest row of dots on the grid. This tool does not require multiple box selections to function.

Size Widths: The ā€œSize Widthsā€ tool will resize boxes based on the width of the last box selected in the group.

Size Heights: The ā€œSize Heightsā€ tool will resize boxes based on the height of the last box selected in the group.

Size Both: The ā€œSize Bothā€ tool will resize boxes based on the height and width of the last box selected in the group (i.e. both boxes will become the same size.).



The following section will cover all properties found within the Custom Invoice document when using items created using Toolbar Buttons (see Toolbar Buttons) or Invoice Fields (see Invoice Fields).


The following is a brief description of the available properties to help you understand their purpose. Modify these properties at your own risk.



Properties Section

Alignment: This function justifies the text left, right, or center (depending on the selection) inside the text box. Works like and with the alignment settings in the toolbar.

Angle: This property refers to the angle of the Label text. A positive number will raise the left side of the text string and lower the right side of the text string. Inputting a negative number will do the exact opposite.

BackColor: This function alters the color of a text box or of the entire document, depending on what is selected.

  • Please note that the property ā€œBackStyleā€ property must be set to ‘Normal’ in order for this color to appear.

BackStyle: This function determines whether the new color will be applied to the template. If the property is set to Transparent, the color chosen (see BackColor above) will not appear. If the property is set to Normal, the color will appear on the Invoice.

Bullet Indent: This feature returns or sets the amount of indent used in a RichEdit control when SelBullet is set to True.

CanGrow: This property determines whether the text box will grow vertically to accommodate text that expands past the original text box size.

CanShrink: This property determines whether the text box will shrink vertically to fit a small amount of text.

Caption: For Labels (see Toolbar Buttons), this property is used for inputting what will be contained inside them and subsequently show on the actual printed invoice.

ClassName: This property sets or returns the controls global style. The global styles are specified in the styles drop-down window.

ColumnLayout: This property determines whether a group header section should use the same column layout of its detail section. When this property is ā€œTrueā€, the number of columns in a detail section will be reflected in the associated group headers and footers.

DataField: This property refers to the type of information contained within the selected text box. This can be changed should you decide you want that box to show the Trans Subtotal instead of Trans Tax. However, the text of the box in the design view will not be changed to reflect this. You must do so manually in the ā€œTextā€ property (see below)

  • Altering this property can cause some confusion. If you do decide to change this property, immediately change the ‘Text’ property as well. While what shows in the Text property (in design view) won’t affect the information populated on the actual invoice, it can cause some confusion if it reads ‘Trans Tax’ in design view but is populating an address on the actual invoice.

Font: This property refers to the font style for the chosen box. Clicking the edit button will bring up the ā€œFont Settingsā€ menu for adjustments.

ForeColor: This property refers to the color of the text. Clicking the color or drop down arrow to edit will bring up a color palette for adjustments.Ā 

GrpKeepTogether: This property determines whether group header and footer sections will print as a single block on the same page.

Height: This property refers to the height of the selected text box. You can change the height of the box by increasing or decreasing this number or clicking and dragging one of the blue boxes on the selected item, which adjusts sizes.3

KeepTogether: determines whether a section should print in its entirety on the same page. When you set this property to True, the section will print on the same page without any page breaks. A False setting allows the section to be split across two or more pages.

Left: This property refers to the distance of the left edge of the selected box from the left side of the page. You can adjust the distance of the left edge of the selected box from the left side of the page by increasing or decreasing this number, or clicking on and dragging the box.

  • The number zero will put the box to the left most edge of the page.

LineColor: This property refers to the color of the selected line or shape drawn using the Shape Tool (see Toolbar buttons). The color can be altered through this feature or by using the corresponding toolbar button.

LineStyle: This property refers to the current type of the selected line (i.e. solid, dash, dot, etc.), and the line type can be changed through this feature or by using the corresponding toolbar button.

LineWeight: This property refers to the weight or thickness of the line, and the line weight can be adjusted using this feature

MaxLength: This property specifies the maximum number of characters a user can enter in the control. The default for MaxLength is 0, indicating that the text is limited only by available system resources. Any number greater than 0 indicates the maximum number of characters.

MultiLine: This property determines whether the contents of the field should wrap across multiple lines. When set to False, the field text is limited to a single line regardless of the height or CanGrow properties.

NewColumn: This property determines whether ActiveReports should insert a column-break before and/or after printing the section.

NewPage: This property determines whether ActiveReports should insert a page-break before and/or after printing the section.

OutputFormat: This property refers to the format of any field. Numbers, dates, and other number groups can be formatted through this feature. Custom number formatting is also allowed through this feature.

  • Formatting options include the ability to determine whether numbers appear with currency symbols, decimal places, or commas separating thousands (i.e. 1000 or 1,000).

Picture: This property refers to whether a picture has been inserted into the document and the type of document. Pictures or graphics can be inserted through this feature.

PictureAlignment: This property refers to the alignment of the picture inside the image box.

PrintWidth: This feature sets or returns the report’s printable width in twips (1440 twips = 1 inch). The PrintWidth is the amount of physical space to which a report can print. If the size of the report is changed during run-time, the print width will also need to be adjusted. This makes sure the report fills the entire printable area.

  • To access this property, click on a gray area outside of the page’s margins.

Repeat: This property determines whether a GroupHeader section should be printed again before its associated detail section when the detail section is broken across multiple pages or columns.

SizeMode: This property refers to the size of the image within the image box. If the image box is larger than the actual image, this feature can enlarge the image to fit the box.

Text: The ā€œTextā€ property has two functions:

  1. For all Text Fields (see Toolbar Buttons) this property is used for inputting what will be contained inside them and subsequently show on the actual printed invoice (similar to Caption).
  2. For all Invoice Fields (see Invoice Fields) this only alters what you see in Design View. In contrast the ā€œDataFieldā€ property changes the actual information populated from the actual invoice which will appear when printed.
    • Be careful when changing the text in this property. Changing Trans Tax to Tax is an innocent change but changing Trans Tax to Work Address may cause some confusion, especially if the DataField still reads TransTax, which is what will show on the invoice.

Top: This property refers to the distance of the top of the selected box from the top of the section. You can adjust the distance of the top edge of the selected box from the top edge of the section by increasing or decreasing this number, or clicking on and dragging the box.

  • The number zero will put the box at the top most edge of the section.

UnderlayNext: This property determines whether the section should print underneath the following section. The following section will start printing starting from the top coordinate of the under-laid section instead of the bottom coordinate.

Vertical Alignment: This property refers to the placement of the text within the selected text box.

Width: This property refers to the width of the selected box. You can change the width of the box by increasing or decreasing this number or clicking and dragging one of the blue boxes on the selected item, which adjusts sizes.

WordWrap: This property refers to wrapping the text inside a box so it is visible when the box’s height is extended or the width lengthened. If WordWrap is disabled, the text is only revealed when the width of the box is lengthened enough to see it all.

Watermark: This feature adds a specified image to the report’s background. The watermark image can be positioned, sized, aligned and placed on specified pages by using the other watermark properties.

  • To access this property, click on a gray area outside of the page’s margins.

WatermarkAlignment: This feature sets or returns the watermark’s general vertical and horizontal positions when it is added to the canvas.

  • To access this property, click on a gray area outside of the page’s margins.

WatermarkPrintOnPages: This feature sets or returns a value indicating the specific pages to which the watermark should be added. The syntax can include a single page, page range or a combination of both. For example: 1, 5-8, 9, 10-12.

  • To access this property, click on a gray area outside of the page’s margins.

WatermarkSizeMode: This feature sets or returns how the watermark will be sized when the image is rendered on the canvas. The image can be stretched to fill the page, zoomed in on to extend the image to the closest edges, or clipped to keep the image’s default size.

  • To access this property, click on a gray area outside of the page’s margins.

Invoice “Fields” Definitions

The Fields section of the Invoice template (Figure 18) contains a list of 75 items (or fields) which when placed into a section on the Invoice will pull data from the related field on the actual Invoice transaction and place it into template field it belongs to.

Figure 8: Fields

Figure 9 contains an example showing how Fields relate to an Invoice (transaction) and how they are displayed when printed or previewed.

Figure 9: Work Order Transaction (Left), Custom Work Order in Design View (upper right), and Custom Work Order in Preview View (bottom right)
  • Notice how the Trans Bill Full Address custom field pulls the all the address related information from the Address, Address 2, City, State and Zip Code fields on the Invoice transaction and displays them correctly in Preview View.

  • Every Field found in the Custom Invoice Template pulls information from a field on the invoice transaction, Invoice Item or customer information in the same manner.

  • There are no fields for your company information. So if you want that to appear on the invoice, you’ll need to use Labels, Text Fields and Rich Text fields and input that information directly on the invoice.

  • You will want to use a field on your custom invoice for any information that is subject to change; Line Items, Addresses, Totals, Dates, Names, etc.

  • Remember, every piece of content that can be placed onto a Custom Invoice has properties associated with it. Notice how the Trans Bill Full Address custom field is only one line long in design view, however, in Preview view it spans multiple lines to accommodate the information it pulls. By default it is set to do this using the CanGrow, MultiLine and WordWrap properties. Remember to adjust these properties accordingly.


The following fields relate to customer information as is on the Customer: Job Form:

  • For more information about the Customer: Job Form and tabs, see ā€œCustomer: Job Formā€ related Help Topics.

Customer Account Number: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œAccount #ā€ field of the select customer’s information on the Payment Info tab.

Customer Name: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œCustomer Nameā€ field of the customer’s information.

Customer Company Name: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œCompany Nameā€ field of the customer’s information on the Address Info tab.

Customer Contact: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œContactā€ field of the customer’s information on the Address Info tab.

Customer Salutation: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œMr./Ms./ā€ field of the customer’s information on the Address Info tab.

Customer First Name: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œFirst Nameā€ field of the customer’s information on the Address Info tab.

Customer Middle Initial: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œMiddle Initialā€ field of the customer’s information on the Address Info tab.

Customer Last Name: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œLast Nameā€ field of the customer’s information on the Address Info tab.

Company Phone: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œPhone/Extā€ field of the customer’s information on the Address Info tab.

Customer Fax: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œFaxā€ field of the customer’s information on the Address Info tab.

Customer Email: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œEmailā€ field of the customer’s information on the Address Info tab.

Customer Foreman: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œForemanā€ field of the customer’s information on the Job Info tab.

Customer Bill Country: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œCountyā€ field of the customer’s information on the Address Info tab, Bill To Address section.

The following fields relate to information found on the Invoice Transaction.

  • For more information on creating an Invoice see ā€œEntering a Saleā€ Help Topic.

Trans Balance: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œAccount Balanceā€ field on the Invoice transaction (i.e. Customer Balance).

Trans Bill Line 1: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œLine 1ā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Bill to Address Section.

Trans Bill Attn: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œAttn:ā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Bill to Address Section.

Trans Bill Addr1: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œAddressā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Bill to Address Section.

Trans Bill Addr2: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œAddress 2ā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Bill to Address Section.

Trans Bill Full Address: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œAddress, Address 2, City, State and Zip Codeā€ fields on the Invoice transaction, Bill to Address Section.

  • The Trans Bill Full Address custom field can format these lines into typical postage layout.

Trans Bill Country: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œCountryā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Bill to Address Section.

Trans Check Number: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œCheck#ā€ field on the transaction, Sale Info Section.

  • While this field is available to be placed on any custom invoice, it only actually applies to Sales.

Trans CC Auth Code: This field refers to information populated into the ā€œAuthorization Codeā€ field when using EPay Credit Card Processing.

  • While this field is available to be placed on a custom invoice, it only actually applies to Sales.

Trans CC Type: This field refers to information in the ā€œTransaction Typeā€ field selected when using EPay Credit Card Processing.

  • While this field is available to be placed on a custom invoice, it only actually applies to Sales.

Trans CC Expire: This field refers to information in the ā€œExpirationā€ field input when using EPay Credit Card Processing.

  • While this field is available to be placed on a custom invoice, it only actually applies to Sales.

Trans CC Number: This field refers to information in the ā€œCard Numberā€ field input when using EPay Credit Card Processing.

  • While this field is available to be placed on a custom invoice, it only actually applies to Sales.

Trans Cust Message: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œCust. Messageā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Invoice Info Section.

Trans Date: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œDateā€ field on the Invoice transaction.

Trans Discount Date: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œDiscount Dateā€ field on the Invoice transaction.

Trans Due Date: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œDue Dateā€ field on the Invoice transaction.

Trans Detail: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œDetailsā€ text field found in Menu | Details.

Trans FOB: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œFOBā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Invoice info field.

Trans Line Amount: This field refers to the information in the ā€œAmountā€ field populated on the Invoice transaction in the Item section for a particular Line Item.

Trans Line Item: This field refers to the ā€œItemā€ field selected on the Invoice transaction in the Item section for a particular Line item (i.e. Invoice Item name).

Trans Line Item Alias: This field refers to information in the ā€œAliasā€ field selected on the Invoice Item itself.

Trans Line Item Description: This field refers to the information in the ā€œDescriptionā€ field as shown on the Invoice transaction in the Item section for a particular Line item.

Trans Line Price: This field refers to the information in the ā€œPrice Ea.ā€ field as shown on the Invoice transaction in the Item section for a particular Line item.

Trans Line Quantity: This field refers to the information in the ā€œQtyā€ field selected on the Invoice transaction in the Item section for a particular Line item.

Trans Estimate Total: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œTotalā€ field on the Estimate transaction the Invoice was created from.

Trans Estimate Amount: This field refers to the Estimate (transaction) Number of the Estimate transaction the Invoice was created from

Trans Equipment Model Number: This field refers to the information in the ā€œEquipmentā€ field selected on the Invoice transaction in the Item section for a particular Line item.Ā 

Trans Equipment Serial Number: This field refers ā€œSerial Numberā€ on the Invoice Item itself.

Trans Line Type: This field refers to whether or not the associated line item is a Group. If so, usage of this field will populate the word ā€œGroupā€. If not, it will show blank.

Trans Line Serial Number: This field refers to the information in the ā€œSerial #ā€ field selected on the Invoice transaction in the Item section for a particular Line item.

Trans Line Taxable Label: This field refers to the information in the ā€œTax Itemā€ field selected on the Invoice transaction in the Item section for a particular Line item.

Trans Line Tax Code: This field refers to the information in the ā€œTax Codeā€ field selected on the Invoice transaction in the Item section for a particular Line item.

Trans Line Cost: This field displays the individual cost of each invoice item.

Trans Line Total Cost: This field refers to the information in the ā€œTotal Costā€ field selected on the Invoice transaction in the Item section for a particular Line item.

Trans Line Markup Method: This field refers to the information in the ā€œMarkup Methodā€ field selected on the Invoice transaction in the Item section for a particular Line item.

Trans Memo: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œMemoā€ field on the Invoice transaction.

Trans Number: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œInvoice #ā€ field on the Invoice transaction.

Trans Payment Method: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œPayment Methodā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Sale Info section.

  • While this field is available to be placed on a custom invoice, it only actually applies to Sales.

Trans PO: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œPurchase Orderā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Invoice Info Section.

Print Date and Time: This field refers to the Date and Time the Invoice is actually printed (or Previewed.)

Trans Salesperson Alias: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œAliasā€ field for the selected Sales Rep/Employee’s information, Address Info tab.

Trans Salesperson Name: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œSales Repā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Invoice Info Section.

Trans Service Agreement Number: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œService Agreementā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Invoice Info Section.

Trans Ship Method: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œWork/Ship Methodā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Invoice Info Section.

Trans Ship Date: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œWork/Ship Dateā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Invoice Info Section.

Trans Status: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œEstimate Statusā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Invoice Info Section.

  • While this field is available to be placed on a custom invoice, it only actually applies to Estimates.

Trans Subtotal: This field refers to the information populated in the ā€œSubtotalā€ field on the Invoice transaction.

Trans Tax Amount: This field refers to the information populated in the ā€œTaxā€ field on the Invoice transaction.

Trans Terms: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œTermsā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Invoice Info Section.

Trans Total: This field refers to the information populated in the ā€œTotalā€ field on the Invoice transaction.

Trans Type: This field refers to the type of transaction (i.e. Invoice, Sale, Estimate, etc.).

Trans Title: This field refers to the Title of the transaction (e.g. Invoice)

Trans Work Line1: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œLine 1ā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Work Address Section.

Trans Work Attn: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œAttn.ā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Work Address Section.

Trans Work Addr1: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œAddressā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Work Address Section.

Trans Work Addr2 : This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œAddress 2ā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Work Address Section.

Trans Work Full Address: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œAddress, Address 2, City, State and Zip Codeā€ fields on the Invoice transaction, Work Address Section.

Trans Work Country: This field refers to the information stored in the ā€œCountryā€ field on the Invoice transaction, Work Address Section.

Trans WO #: This field refers to the ā€œWork Order numberā€ of any assigned work orders.


  • Labels should be reserved for information that will appear on each Invoice. Labels only need to be entered once and the template will save the information for the next Invoice using the template. They are not based on information found in the database, like Text boxes.

  • All boxes in the custom template can be moved and resized within their respective sections. Though boxes cannot be moved from one section to Ā another by clicking and dragging, they can be copied and/or cut and pasted into a different section.

  • To add additional sections (e.g. Group Footer 2), right-click and select “Insert”.

  • To change font style or size the corresponding box must be selected.

  • To select multiple boxes at one time, hold the Ctrl or Shift key while making your selections.

  • To select all items in a section, hold the Ctrl or Shift key, and then click and drag the mouse cursor across the section.

  • To select all items on a page, hold the Ctrl or Shift key, and then click and drag the mouse cursor across each section at a time.

  • Place the mouse cursor over the toolbar icons to reveal the Tool Tip for the icons.

  • Many toolbar icons mirror the properties in the right column of the custom template. In

    some instances, changes to the Invoice can be made in the properties column rather than using the icons.

  • All boxes can be resized by clicking on them to highlight and dragging the edges to the preferred location.

  • When changing the background color of a box or a page, click on BackColor in the properties column and select a color. For the color change to take effect, click on BackStyle and change the condition to Normal.

  • To change a previously selected color back to the grid default, simply change the BackStyle (in the properties column) option to Transparent.

  • If a Field is added to the Invoice but no information is available in the database for that particular field for that customer, it will not be included in the Invoice.

  • It is not necessary to include multiple fields for line items, such as Trans Line Item, onto the Invoice. All such fields placed into the Details section of the Invoice Template will produce a result for each line item on the invoice transaction.