How to Setup Doing Business As (DBA)Ā
DBA ā Abbreviation for āDoing Business As.ā Companies must usually file DBA with their state indicating their doing business under a particular business name.Ā When printing, you will have the option of using this or the company name in certain important documents like checks, invoices, purchase orders, etc.Ā Ā
Company InformationĀ
You can edit/view the DBA for your company by navigating to Company > Company Information and adjusting the DBA field as desired.Ā
You can access the DBA list by navigating to Company > Lists > DBA List.Ā Ā
You can create a new DBA within this list by either right-clicking or selecting the “DBA List” menu option, and then clicking on “New DBA.
Tips Related to DBA
- An image may also be attached to a specific DBA, just like with the main company itself. Simply select the āImageā button within the new/edit DBA form and upload an image of .bmp or .jpg format.
- In Aptora Mobile II, a DBA can be selected when generating or sending PDF files. Simply click the hamburger menu at the top right of the Mobile application while on an invoice/work order/estimate, and select Links > Settings, and then scroll down to the bottom of the settings page, and you will be able to select a DBA as desired from the drop-down menu.Ā