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This topic will discuss how to create backups of your Total Office Manager database using the (provided) Enterprise Server Utility.

(Note: This utility does not perform automated backups, for more information on automated backups, please see THIS topic.)


The Enterprise Server Utility is a tool that is installed along with the Server Components required to properly use Total Office Manager and can be found on your company server (i.e. database host machine). Either locate the shortcut icon on the server’s desktop or go to Start | All Programs | Aptora | Total Office Manager | Enterprise Server Utility.

  • It is highly recommended that your run the utility “As Administrator”. To do so, Ā right-click on the Server Utility icon and choose “Run As Administrator”.

Immediately when you launch the utility you will be presented with the “Establish SQL Server Connection” window. Use the “Instance Name” drop down to select your SQL instance.

In the Authentication Method field, you may simply use Windows Authentication to connect without error. If your SQL Server instance has been manually configured it may be necessary to use “SQL Authentication”. This method requires a username and password.

  • The username is normally ‘sa’ (which should appear by default)
  • The password is set up during installation. If you do not know your SQL username or password, please speak with your IT professional or whoever installed SQL and/or Total Office Manager for your company. Aptora does not have any means to recover or reset this password.

Once you have your Instance Name and Authentication Method chose, click the [Connect] button.


When creating a backup of your database it is important that ALL USERS be logged out of the database, including the administrator.

  • Failing to ensure all users are logged out may result in unusable backups. It is your company’s responsibility


  1. To begin creating your backup, click the [Backup Database] button.
  2. Select the database you wish to backup from the list of available databases.
  3. Select a location to save your database and click [Save].
  4. A small window indicating the backup process has begun will appear. Be sure to let this finish before closing the program, even if the program becomes unresponsive.
  5. Once the backup is complete, you can close the Enterprise Server Utility.


  • It is recommended that you do not store your backups on the same system as the live database (i.e. the Server)
  • It is recommended that you create regular backups (e.g. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.) and before performing any updates to the Total Office Manager software.
  • If you have any problems launching or connecting to the Enterprise Server Utility, right-click on the utility icon and choose “Run As Administrator”.

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