
The Item Receipt List is used to review and manage your item receipts (sometimes called packing lists or packing slips).

Form Access

  • From the main menu, click Vendors | Receive Items List or

  • You can also access this form from many other places in the software. Be sure to right-click on various forms and lists.


Perhaps the easiest way of using the commands available in the Item Receipt List is via the right-click menu.

  • To enter a new item receipt, right-click anywhere in the list and choose New Item Rcpt from the pop-up menu.
  • To edit an item receipt, right-click on it and choose Edit Item Rcpt from the pop-up menu.
  • To delete an item receipt, right-click on it and choose Delete Item Rcpt from the pop-up menu.
  • To memorize an item receipt, right-click on it and choose Memorize from the pop-up menu. Ā The Add Memorized Transaction form will open, ready to set up reoccurring instances of the original transaction.
  • To export whatever information is currently displayed in the list, right-click anywhere in the list and choose Export List from the pop-up menu.
  • To modify which columns are displayed in the list, right-click anywhere in the list and choose Form Preferences > Show Columns from the pop-up menu.


  • We recommend that you create a purchase order for all direct expenses (COGS). Your next step is to create an Item Receipt from that PO. Item Receipts are entered when you take possession of the items. Typically you will receive a “packing slip”. This is used to create your Item Receipt.

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