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How to Setup New Employees

Enter new employees into the system using the New Employee form. Ā All employee information necessary for a Human Resource department and more can be stored in an employee record:

  • Each employee record has a Skills tab used to track the work order types to which the employee is qualified to be assigned. Ā It can be set to automatically perform skills checking when assigning work orders.

  • Each employee record has an Image feature used to store a photo of the employee or a scan of their personal ID (driverā€™s license). Ā The image can also be used to create a company-issued employee ID badge.

  • An Assigned Assets display lists any assets assigned to a particular employee (i.e.: tools, van, truck, computer, pager, cell phone, printer, etc.). Ā Note that the actual data entry of assigned asset information is performed in the program’s Asset Manager (see related topics, below).

  • Each employeeā€™s home phone number is associated with the Phone Monitor System (Company | Phone Monitor). Ā If an employee calls in, you have the ability to instantly open their file.

  • Employees each have a Contact Log used to record such things as employee evaluations, jury duty dates, funeral leave, tardiness, etc.).

In the event a field does not exist for a piece of desired employee information, User Defined Fields are available to fill this role. Ā User Defined Fields are custom fields setup by program users for storing information not already setup on certain forms (i.e.: spouseā€™s work phone number, motherā€™s phone number, employeeā€™s birthday, etc.). Ā See the related topic, “User Defined Fields” for more information.

Form Access

  • First open the Employee List from the main menu by clicking Employees | Employee List.

  • In the Employee List, right click anywhere in the list and select New Employee from the pop-up menu. Ā The New Employee form will appear.

Field & Button Definitions

Common Buttons and Menu Commands

Certain controls always appear, regardless of the tab being viewed.

  • OK – Saves and closes the form.
  • Cancel – Closes the form without saving.
  • Notes – Enter anything that you might need to know about the Employee. Example: Interview notes, technical skills, office machinery skills, has a degree in, etc.
  • Image – Used to store bitmap images, like scans of photos or driver’s licenses. Ā See the related topic, “Images” for more info.
  • Payroll Items – Payroll Item has its own Help Topic. Please see Payroll Items.
  • Inactive – Check this field if the Employee is no longer employed by your company, or maybe has taken a leave of absents. Inactivating the Employee will keep the Employee from showing up on payroll.
  • Show on Dispatch Board – Check this box to make this person available on the schedule board. Most technicians will have this checked but you do not want certain office people to appear on the various selection lists related to scheduling. If this is unchecked, then that employee WILL NOT show up on the schedule board. You can still create appointments and work orders for them. However, they will not show on the selection lists or employee filter located on the schedule board.

Address Info Tab

The Address Info tab is used to store basic employee contact information.

  • Mr./Mrs. – Not required. Enter as appropriate.
  • First Name – Enter the first name of the employee.
  • M.I. – Enter the middle initial of the employee (if applicable)
  • Last Name – Enter the last name of the employee.
  • Print Check As – Enter the legal given name of the employee.
  • Address – Enter the street address of the employee.
  • Address 2 – Enter an apartment number, suite number, or building number c/o name.
  • City – Enter the city the employee resides in.
  • State/Province – Enter the state or province the employee resides in.
  • Zip/Postal – Enter the zip code or postal code for the employee. If you donā€™t know the code, use the Find button to the left of the zip code field.
  • Country – (Optional) Enter the country the employee resides in.
  • Phone/Ext. – Enter the employeeā€™s home phone number, extension if applicable.
  • Fax – Enter the employeeā€™s fax number if applicable.
  • Cell – Enter the employeeā€™s cell Phone if applicable.
  • Pager – Enter the employeeā€™s pager if applicable.
  • Pager-Pin – Enter the employeeā€™s pager-pin number if applicable.
  • Alt. Ph. – Enter an alternate phone number if applicable.
  • E-mail – Enter employeeā€™s e-mail address if applicable.
  • Website – Enter employeeā€™s website if applicable.
  • Type – Enter if the employee is a full time or part time employee.

Additional Info Tab

The Additional Info tab is used to store other employee related information.

  • Assigned Assets – This window populates automatically with information entered into the Asset Manager form.
  • User Defined Fields – Enter information not found on the standard form. Select from the list or create your own by clicking on the hand icon.
  • Limit PO Amount – Only the administrator can make changes to this control and security must be enabled. Employees are allowed to enter purchase orders if they have general permission to do so. Ā You may also set a dollar limit on the purchase orders they create. Ā Enter a maximum amount here. Ā If you enter a zero or leave it blank, there will be NO dollar limit. Note: You also have the ability to set a global default limit in system preferences (see Related Topics below for more information). Ā If you do not enter a limit in the employee form, the default limit in system preferences will be used (if any). Ā Any limit entered here, overwrites the default limit.

Skills Tab

The Skills tab is used to indicate which Work Order Types an employee is qualified to be assigned. Ā It can be set to automatically perform skills checking when assigning work orders to the technician. Ā Skills checking takes place even when dragging and dropping work orders to technicians on the Schedule Board.

  • Perform Skills Checking When Creating Work Orders – Ticking this checkbox enables the skills checking feature for the employee. Ā As work orders are assigned to the technician, the program will compare the work order type against this table to see if the employee is qualified. Ā If the technician isn’t qualified for a particular work order type, a warning will appear.
  • Work Order Type – Tick each work order type for which the employee is qualified to handle. Ā These are brought forward from your Work Order Type List, where you setup and manage the various work order types in your organization.


  • After setting up a new work order type, it will appear on the Skills tab of each employee record. Ā It will then be necessary to open each employee record who is qualified to perform that skill and mark it as such. Ā To prevent extra setup work, it is recommended to setup all of your work order types before setting up employees and their respective skills.
  • It is generally recommended to avoid deleting Employee records. Ā Consider using the Inactivate option instead.

Related Topics

Adding ImagesĀ