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This topic explains the use of the Pay Bills function. You will learn how to pay bills that have been already been entered into Total Office Manager.


This window lists your unpaid bills as of any date you enter. This includes bills for expenses like office supplies (entered using the Enter Bill form) or for inventory items (entered in the Receive Items and Enter Bill).

When you purchase something and don’t pay for it until later, you enter a bill for the purchase in Total Office Manager. Total Office Manager keeps track of these bills. Bills are associated with your accounts payable so that you always know how much money is owed to your vendors.

At any time, you can run reports to analyze unpaid bills for information such as which vendors you owe the most money to.

From the Pay Bills window, you can pay with a check, a credit card, cash , or debit card.

Please Note: If you paid for something immediately at the time the expense was purchased and you used a check, use the write checks form. Example: You went to an office supply store and purchased paper or a part.

Applying a Credit, Refund, or Discount

If you receive credit from a vendor, you can enter the credit amount in the Enter Bills window.

A discount is a lowered bill amount that a vendor offers if you pay a bill early (payment terms 2% 10 days net 30).

Note: If you’ve entered a bill, use the Pay Bills window to pay the bill. Do not write a check to pay the bill. Total Office Manager writes the check for you when you use the Pay Bills window.

Form Access

From the main Total Office Manager menu, click Vendor | Pay Bills

Field Definitions

Filter By

The filter allows you to view only certain bills to pay. Select how you want to filter the list by.


This refers to the starting value (like first date).


This refers to the ending value (like last date).

Apply Filter

Click to apply the filter criteria.

Remove Filter

Click to remove the filter criteria and show all.


You may also sort the columns manually or use a pre-defined sorting method. Select manual sorting if you wish to sort a specific column. Note: You may only sort one column at a time.

Select Bills to be Paid

Select Due on or before (the 1st radio button) if you want to enter a date or select a date from the drop down menu.

Show All Bills

Select Show All Bills (the 2nd radio button) if you want to see all the outstanding bills that have been entered.


Check this box if you would like to pay a particular bill.

Date Due

Enter the due date of the bill.


Enter the name of the vendor the bills for.

Ref No.

Enter the reference number of the bill you are paying.

Disc Date

Enter the date for the cash discount reference. Example: 2% 10 days, net 30. Enter 10 days from the invoice date.

Amt Due

Amount due after vendor discount, if applicable.

Disc Used

Enter the discount that was used.

Credits Used

Enter any credit memos that might be outstanding for the vendor.

Amt To Pay

Enter the exact amount due on the bill, after discounts and credits, if applicable.

Discount and Credit Information for a Highlighted Bill


Auto Populate


Auto Populate

No. Of Credits

Auto Populate

Bill Ref. #

Auto Populate

Suggested Disc.

Auto Populate

Total Available

Auto Populate

Button Definitions

Go To Bill

Click this button to go to the actual bill.

Set Discount

Click this button to enter a cash discount.

Set Credits

Click this button to apply credits to the bill.

Payment Definitions Payments

Payment Account

Select an account from the drop down menu or create a new account by clicking on the hand icon located to the right of the Payment Account field.

Payment Method

Select from the drop down menu the method for which you are going to use to pay the bill.

Payment Date

Enter the date you paid the bill.

To be Printed

Select this radio button if you are using checks on your system.

Assign Check Number

Select this radio button if you are using a company checkbook and you hand write the checks.

Button Definitions

Pay & Close

Click this button to save and close.

Pay & New

Click this button to Save and move to a new Pay Bill window.


Disregard the information that has been entered and close.


  1. Open the form as instructed above (see Form Access).

  2. Check the bill you would like to review.

  3. Click the Pay and Close button to pay one bill or click the Pay and New button to pay the bill and prepare to pay another.


  • You can select a Pay Bills and right click for common tasks.

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