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The pay period list and edit window help Total Office Manager determine the number of pay periods per calendar year. Unless you have a very good reason to change these, please do not edit them.

Form Access

  • From the main menu, click Employee | Lists | Pay Frequency List


  1. Open the Pay Period List form as instructed above.
  2. To edit an existing record, select it, click Pay Period, and make changes as needed. Click the OK button to save your changes and close the form.
  3. To create a new pay period, click Pay Period and select new. Complete the form as needed. Click the OK button to save your changes and close the form.

Field Definitions

Name –

This is a name to identify the pay period. You have about 50 characters to describe this pay period.

Periods Per Year –

This refers to how many times the employee would be paid per year under this system. If you entered 12, this person would be paid monthly. If you entered 24, this person would be paid 24 times per year. The most common entry is 52. This would mean you are paying your employee once each week.


Unless you have a very good reason to change these, please do not edit them.

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