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The Schedule Board Options allows you to customize the schedule board form by user.


Total Office Manager allows you unprecedented control over the look and feel of the schedule board. This form makes it easy to customize the look and feel of the schedule board.

Form Access

  • First, open the Schedule Board from the main menu by clicking Company | Schedule Board. Ā Once in the Schedule Board click the Options button.

Field Definitions

Date Format Options

Total Office Manager allows seven different ways to format the date that is displayed on the schedule board.

Date Format 1


November 17, 2003

Date Format 2


17 November 2003

Date Format 3

Mon, November 17, 2003

Date Format 4

17 November 2003

Date Format 5


17 Nov 03

Date Format 6

Mon 17 Nov 03

Date Format 7


Day Start/End Time

Use this area to decide when your work day starts. Use the day length property to decide how long your workday lasts. (Example: Day starting at 6:00 am and is 14 hours long will give you a work day starting at 6:00 am and ending at 8:00 pm.

Day View

Use this tab to decide the layout of your schedule board for the day view.

Days and Assigned to: (Top Margin), Time increments (Left margin)

This places the date and the employee assigned the schedule item at the top and the time increments on the left.

Days and Assigned to: (Left margin), Time increments (Top margin)

This places the time increments at the top and the date and the employee assigned the schedule item at the bottom.

Week View

Use this tab to decide the layout of your schedule board for the week view.

Days and Assigned to: (Top Margin), Time increments (Left margin)

This places the date and the employee assigned the schedule item at the top and the time increments on the left.

Days and Assigned to: (Left margin), Time increments (Top margin)

This places the time increments at the top and the date and the employee assigned the schedule item at the bottom.

Week Starts On

Use this area to decide when your workweek starts. (Example: The work week starts on Monday).

Week Length

Use this are to decide how many days will be visible in the week view of the schedule board.

Example: A workweek starting on Monday and that is five days long will end on Friday. This is a handy way to display up to two weeks at a time for the week view of the schedule board.

Color Options

Use this area to format the various colors of the schedule board.

Show Inactive Employees

If this is unchecked, inactive employees will NOT show up. If it is checked, ALL inactive employees WILL show up on the schedule board as long as the ‘Show on Dispatch Board’ check box is checked. This is done in the edit employee form.

Show Color Bar

If checked, Total Office Manager displays the color bar on the left side of the schedule board. This is a small vertical color coded series of bars that help you identify what types of work orders are on the schedule board. Take a look. It’s hard to explain but easy to see.


  1. Choose your formatting preferences and click OK.


  • To revert back to the Total Office Manager default settings for the schedule board, click the ā€˜Defaultsā€™ button.

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