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Type: Custom Data View

Reports Included: No
Description: List of Invoices, Sales, Estimates, and Credits with work order analysis information attached. This CDV is current limited to transactions for the last two (2) years.
Drill Down: Yes, opens transaction (Tran Type)

Description & Field Explanations

1. WO Technician – The assigned technician on the work order. If there is more than one work order attached, the invoice will appear multiple times.
2. Full Name – The work orderā€™s assigned technician full name. This will be displayed as Last Name, First Name MI.
3. Employee Alias – The work orderā€™s assigned technician alias.
4. Employee Number – The work orderā€™s assigned technician employee number.
5. Invoice Number ā€“ The transaction number of the sales transaction.
6. Invoice Date ā€“ The date of the sales transaction.
7. Attached WOs ā€“ The sum of the work orders attached to the invoice.
8. WO Date ā€“ The date of the work order. If there is more than one work order attached, the invoice will appear multiple times.
9. WO Status ā€“ The status selected on the attached work order. If there is more than one work order attached, the invoice will appear multiple times.
10. WO Description ā€“ The description on the attached work order. If there is more than one work order attached, the invoice will appear multiple times.
11. Technician Notes ā€“ The private and technician notes on the attached work order. If there is more than one work order attached, the invoice will appear multiple times.
12. Work Order Types ā€“ The type selected on the attached work order. If there is more than one work order attached, the invoice will appear multiple times.
13. Is Callback – The indicator a work order is flagged for being a callback. This is a Yes/No field.
14. Callback WO # – The work order number of the callback, if Is Callback is Yes.
15. Callback Employee Name ā€“ The assigned technicianā€™s name for the work order callback, if Is Callback is Yes.
16. Callback Employee Alias – The assigned technicianā€™s alias for the work order callback, if Is Callback is Yes.
17. En Route Minutes – Sum of hours times 60 for the billable technician where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries, the work order is assigned to the transaction, and the timesheet notes contains the word ā€œen routeā€.
18. Working Minutes – Sum of hours times 60 for the billable technician where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries, the work order is assigned to the transaction, and the timesheet notes contains the word ā€œworkingā€.
19. En Route Hours – Sum of hours for the billable technician where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries, the work order is assigned to the transaction, and theĀ  timesheet notes contains the word ā€œen routeā€.
20. Working Hours – Sum of hours for the billable technician where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries, the work order is assigned to the transaction, and theĀ  timesheet notes contains the word ā€œworkingā€.
21. TS Minutes – Sum of hours times 60 for the billable technician where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries and the work order is assigned to the transaction.
22. TS Hours – Sum of hours for the billable technician where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries and the work order is assigned to the transaction.
23. Billed Minutes – Sum of transaction labor minutes for all items that are service items marked as Used for Labor Only. Note: Labor Minutes is an item preference which must be enabled and labor minutes allocated to the invoice items. If no labor minutes exist on the invoice line item, the minutes will be calculated from the default labor minutes on the labor item setup.
24. Billed Hours – Sum of transaction labor minutes divided by 60 for all items that are service items marked as Used for Labor Only. Note: Labor Minutes is an item preference which must be enabled and labor minutes allocated to the invoice items. If no labor minutes exist on the invoice line item, the minutes will be calculated from the default labor minutes on the labor item setup.
25. Total En Route Minutes ā€“ Sum of all hours times 60 for the billable technicians where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries, the work order is assigned to theĀ  transaction, and the timesheet notes contains the word ā€œen routeā€.
26. Total Working Minutes ā€“ Sum of all hours times 60 for the billable technicians where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries, the work order is assigned to the transaction, and the timesheet notes contains the word ā€œworkingā€.
27. Total En Route Hours ā€“ Sum of all hours for the billable technicians where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries, the work order is assigned to the transaction, and the timesheet notes contains the word ā€œen routeā€.
28. Total Working Hours ā€“ Sum of all hours for the billable technicians where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries, the work order is assigned to the transaction, and the timesheet notes contains the word ā€œworkingā€.
29. Total TS Hours – Sum of hours for the transaction where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries, the technicians are billable, and the work order is assigned to the transaction.
30. Total TS Minutes – Sum of hours times 60 for the transaction where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries, the technicians are billable, and the work order is assigned to the transaction.
31. % of Hrs – Percentage of hours for technician divided by the total hours for the transaction where the work order is assigned on timesheet entries and the work order is assigned to the transaction.
32. Billed Minutes Difference ā€“ Difference of Billed Minutes minus Total Working Minutes.
33. Billed Hours Difference ā€“ Difference of Billed Hours minus Total Working Hours.
34. % of Billed Minutes ā€“ Product % of Hrs times Billed Minutes Difference.
35. % of Billed Hours ā€“ Product % of Hrs times Billed Hours Difference.
36. Billed Efficiency % – Quotient of % of Billed Minutes divided by Working Minutes.
37. Diagnostic Only – The indicator a work order or invoice has only diagnostic item(s) selected. If no other billable items are present, the transaction is considered Diagnostic Only. This is a Yes/No field. Note: Diagnostic items are Service item types marked as This Service Item is used as a Diagnostic Fee on the Additional Info tab of the item setup.
38. Options Presented ā€“ Sum of the group items selected on the work order items tab.
39. Options Accepted ā€“ Sum of the group items selected on the work order which have been accepted.
40. Invoice Total before Discounts ā€“ The transaction Subtotal.
41. Discounts ā€“ Sum of all discounts entered on the sales transaction.
42. SA Discounts ā€“ Sum of all Service Agreement discounts entered on the sales transaction for 100% coverage.
43. Invoice Net Sales before Tax ā€“ Difference of Invoice Total before Discounts minus Discounts.
44. Invoice Tax ā€“ The transaction calculated tax amount.
45. Invoice Total w Tax ā€“ Sum of Invoice Net Sales before Tax plus Invoice Tax.
46. % of Total Revenue ā€“ Product of Invoice Total w Tax times % of Hrs.
47. Tran Cost – Sum of transaction cost for all items that are not service items marked as Used for Labor Only.
48. Labor Cost – Sum of timesheet hours times current rate plus hours times current liability where the Work Order is assigned to the Timesheet for the billable technician and the work order is assigned to the invoice. Note: These rates may be reviewed in the Job Costing Time Sheet Details CDV. For a technician hours to be considered billable, the option Employee is Billable must be enable in their Employee Payroll Items.
49. Labor Liab – Sum of Labor Cost plus Labor Liab. Note: The labor liability is recorded at the time of the timesheet entries. These amounts include the employer liability for FICA SS (6.2%), FICA Med (1.45%), FUTA and SUTA rates which are set under Employees | Unemployment Tax Rates. This amount may be reviewed in the Job Costing Time Sheet Details CDV.
50. Total Labor ā€“ Sum of Labor Cost plus Labor Liab.
51. Total Labor Burden – Sum of Labor Cost plus Labor Liab plus Labor Burden times Total Labor.
52. Labor Burden – Value set under Edit | Preferences | Customer:Jobs | Company Preferences | Apply Labor Burden to Job Costing.
53. Total Cost w Labor+Burden – Sum of Tran Cost plus Total Labor plus Total Labor Burden.
54. % of Total Cost – Results of % of Hrs times Total Cost w Labor+Burden.
55. GP $ – Difference of % of Total Revenue minus % of Total Cost.
56. GP % – Results of GP $ divided by % of Total Revenue.
57. Cust:Job Name ā€“ The name of the Customer:Job record.
58. Cust:Job Display Name – The full display name of the Customer:Job record.
59. Sales Rep – The full name of the sales rep selected in the header of the sales transaction.
60. Sales Rep Alias – The alias of the sales rep selected in the header of the sales transaction.
61. Tran Department Display – The departmentā€™s full name selected in the header of the sales transaction.
62. Tran Department Alias – The departmentā€™s alias selected in the header of the sales transaction.
63. Tran Department – The departmentā€™s What Best Describes This department selection selected in the header of the sales transaction.