
Total Office Manager offers your company very robust security. Security features allow you to restrict what various users can do. This topic deals with the subject of adding Total Office Manager users – specifically the user list.


Not every employee needs or even should be able to access all of your company data. Total Office Manager allows you to create users that can manipulate your company data. You can control whether or not each user can view, edit, add, delete and void data throughout Total Office Manager.

Total Office Manager users are also employeeā€™s though not all employees are Total Office Manager users. A Total Office Manager user is allowed to log into Total Office Manager and use the application. Depending upon the security settings for the individual they may or may not be able to use certain menu commands.

User List

  • Go to Company | Total Office Manager User List/Security, to open the user list . The user list shows all active users.

  • The administrator user is always part of Total Office Manager and cannot be deleted.

Creating a New User

  • Select New User from the menu in the User List window to bring up the User/Security Wizard.

  • All Total Office Manager users must be in the employee list.

  • Select the employee from the drop down list.

  • Set if the password expires or does not expire.

  • New user passwords automatically default to ā€˜Passwordā€™ and will require the user to enter a new password when they first log in.

Editing a User

  • To change the password and access rights of an existing Total Office Manager user, use the Edit User menu command from the User List window.

  • To change a user password you must enter a password in the New password field and then verify that password in the Verify field.

  • If the passwords do not match you will be prompted to enter them again.

  • If you set the passwords to ā€˜passwordā€™ Total Office Manager will prompt the user to change their password the next time they log in.

Access Rights

You can allow users to have Full access with the ability view, change, add and delete throughout all of Total Office Manager. Selective Access allows you to restrict the user from viewing, editing, deleting, adding and voiding data in various parts of Total Office Manager.

NOTE:Ā  The administrator user has full access by default and cannot be changed.

Click the ā€˜Nextā€™ Button. If you have selected full access you will automatically be taken to the summary screen.