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For Hosted Clients Only

Our hosted servers are physically located within the central time zone. For those of you who are located outside that time zone, a very limited number of features can be off by one or more hours. This includes your Aptora Mobile II timesheet entries, the Total Office Manager work order Now button, and the horizontal time bar in the new schedule board.

We have added a new preference located at Preferences | Company | Company Preferences called Time Offset. This feature corrects the time entered by these features so that they match your local time.

Aptora Mobile II also has a new setting that needs your attention. Please login as the Administrator. Go to More | Settings | Application Settings and select the time zone that your company is located in. Click Save. Thatā€™s all you need to do.

The Audit Trail entries, Date Added, and Date/Time Last Revised labels will still be on central time (server time).