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This help topic was added to offer ideas on how to perform a mail merge using MS Word® .


Use Total Office Manager‘s marketing list generator to create a mailing list and MS Word to create a marketing letter to merge the list with.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We are providing this topic as a service.  We will NOT provide technical support for MS Word. We WILL help you create the list, but you will be responsible for learning how to do the merge itself.

Performing the Mail Merge

The following instructions are for Microsoft Word 2002. Other versions of Word may vary slightly but the procedures should be very similar.  Don’t forget to use the built-in help system in Microsoft Word to learn about mail merge.

  1. Open MS Word
  2. Open the document you wish to use for the direct mailing.
  3. Click Tools | Letters & Mailings | Mail Merge Wizard
  4. Click “Next: Starting Documents”
  5. Click “Next: Select Recipients”
  6. Click Browse
  7. Select the file that contains your addresses. A form opens.
  8. Click OK
  9. Click “Next: Write Your Letter”
  10. Click “More Items”. An Insert Merge Field form will open.
  11. Select the first item on the list and click Insert. Select the second item on the list and click Insert. Repeat this process until all merge fields are on the letter and click Close.
  12. Arrange the merge fields as needed.
  13. Click “Next: Preview your Letters”
  14. Click “Next: Complete the Merge”
  15. Click “Edit Individual Letters”

Mail Preparation

Create your letter in Microsoft Word® or use one provided. Follow the steps noted above. Print the letters using a laser printer and have them folded at Office Depot® or another place of your choice. Stuff the envelops, tuck in the flaps, and stamp your letters. Try to time the mailing with changes in work load or weather.

United States Postal Service Option

Another option is to use the USPS to do the entire mailing for you. The prices are very reasonable. You can submit your mailing list and documents on the web. They will do the merge and the entire mailing for you. This is a great option if you have an uncomplicated mailing (like a simple one page letter) and 1000 or more to send. For more information, go to

Be Prepared

Lack or preparation is the biggest reason for marketing failure. Everyone needs to be briefed on the mail campaign and instructed on exactly what to do.

Be certain that you and your staff are prepared to handle the calls. You will need to train your coworkers on what how to respond to inquiries. Depending on your offer, people will likely call with specific questions. You and your staff better have the answers! With a return rate as little as 1%, you can’t afford to lose callers.