Out of Balance Transactions
Occasionally a transaction may become out of balance if it was not properly saved to the General Journal. Many factors can contribute to this behavior. There may have been a network disconnect in the middle of the save procedure, incomplete data, a power surge, etc. Total Office Manager has built in utilities to scan for these types of transactions. The Database Checkup utility is located under Tools | Utilities | Database Checkup. Run the scan for Our of Balance Transactions.
Locate any Invoices, Credits, or Payments and double click to open. Once in the transaction, right click and choose the option Find In GJ. A review of the General Journal entry may indicate why this transaction is out of balance. Typically, typing a space on the Internal Memo and resaving the transaction will update the General Journal entry. Once you have reviewed and resaved all located out of balance transactions, rerun the scan again to validate you have in fact corrected these entries.
Missing GJ Entries
For the same types of reasons as the out of balance scan, entries may also be missing from the General Journal. Running the scan for Missing GJ Entries will locate any records that are missing from the General Journal that impact accounting.
Locate any Invoices, Credits, or Payments and double click to open. Review each transaction and resave by typing a space on the Internal Memo to input into the General Journal. Once you have reviewed and resaved all located missing entries, rerun the scan again to validate you have in fact corrected these entries.
Missing GJ Accounts
For the same types of reasons as the out of balance scan, entries may appear in the General Journal without the transaction Chart of Account. By navigating to Banking | General Journal, you can right click and select the option Find Missing Accounts. Any entries located will appear bolded and highlighted in red. If the list does not display the affected record and you did not receive a message indicating no missing accounts were found, you will need to expand your filtered results. To easily identify entries with missing accounts, create a filter to search for records with the field Account = 0 or Account = “”. Double click the record and review the transactions to determine why the line entry is missing the account. To correct these, you may have to enter a new line and reselect the item for the offending entry.