Please use this worksheet to gather required information for setting up or maintaining your company’s payroll. This information is required no matter how you do payroll and will be required when setting up payroll in Total Office Manager.
Employer Identification Number (EIN): _____________________________
State Employer Identification Number: _____________________________
Pay Period Starts on _______________ and ends on ______________ (what days)
Employees will get paid on the following day: ________________________________
Independent contractors will get paid on the following day: ________________________________
¨ Separate independent contractors and full-time employees.
¨ Obtain social security numbers for all employees.
¨ Obtain federal ID numbers of all independent contractors.
¨ A W4 is on file for each employee.
¨ A I-9 is on file for each employee.
¨ Establish policy regarding vacation, paid time off, etc.
¨ Establish benefit package such as health insurance, life insurance, etc.
¨ Establish co-pays for such things as health insurance, life insurance, etc.