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What is the Item Alias Feature?

Invoice Items are required to have a main item number. This value is entered into the Name/Number field of the item. That item number may not be the item number used by the vendor(s) that you buy the item from. The Item Alias feature allows you to enter an item number that is unique to each of the vendors you purchase the item from. This allows you to search for and use their item number or yours. You can also scan their barcode to locate an item, even if that item’s Name/Number value is different than the vendors item number.

Question: How do I Setup Item Aliases?


  1. Turn on the preference.
    1. Navigate to Edit | Preferences | Items | Company Preferences.
    2. Check the box “Use Item Alias Feature”
  2. Set the vendor to be used.
    1. Navigate to Vendors | Vendor List | Open a Vendor | Additional Info Tab.
    2. Check the box “This Vendor might supply materials for resale”.
  3. Assign the User Permission.
    1. Navigate to Company | User Security/List | Open the User | Next | Just to the Company Section.
    2. Check the boxes for “Item Aliases”. Click Next | Finish.
  4. Add the alias to the item.
    1. Navigate to Customers | Invoice Item List | Open the Item | Menu | Alias.
    2. Set the alias in the “Alias” column.

Related Topics

Using Invoice Item Aliases (alternative part numbers)

Why is the list of vendors limited in the item alias?