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Using the Appointment List

Appointments can be found in two places: the Appointment List and the Schedule Board. The Appointment list is used to manage appointments made within Total Office Manager.

Accessing the Appointment List

  • From the main menu, click Company | Appointment List.

Appointment List File Path
Appointment List File Path
  • From the toolbar, click the drop-down arrow just right of the schedule board button and choose View Appointment List.

Toolbar - Dispatch - View Appointments
Dispatch – View Appointments

Field Definitions

Add New Appointment
  • Employee – Displays the name of the person the appointment is scheduled for.
  • Cust:Job – Displays the customer (if any) which is associated with the appointment. Ā The appointment is included in the customer’s history.
  • Type – Displays the appointment type. Ā These work just like work order types.
    • Examples may include “personal”, “business”, “medical:, etc.
  • Description – Displays detailed information regarding the appointment. This information also appears on the Schedule Board.
  • Date – Displays the date of the appointment.
  • Start Time – Displays the time of day when the appointment is scheduled.
  • Private – Indicates whether or not this is a private appointment. Ā Private appointments do appear on the Schedule Board, but no details are displayed.
    • Note: The administrator can view all appointments, even ones marked private.
  • All Day Event – Tick the box if the appointment is scheduled for an entire work day
  • Duration In Minutes- Displays the length of time in minutes that the appointment is scheduled to last.
  • Remind Me – Set a time to notify the user in advance of when the appointment is scheduled to occur
  • Completed – Displays whether or not the appointment has been completed.


Appointment List Options
Appointment List Options
  • To create a new appointment, right-click anywhere in the list and choose New Appointment from the pop-up menu.
  • To edit an appointment, right-click on it and choose Edit Appointment from the pop-up menu.
  • To delete an appointment, right-click on it and choose Delete Appointment from the pop-up menu.
  • To complete an appointment, right-click on it and choose Complete Appointment from the pop-up menu.
  • To find an appointment, right-click on it and choose Find Appointment from the pop-up menu. Ā The schedule board will open and display the appointment highlighted in red.
  • To memorize an appointment, right-click on it and choose Memorize from the pop-up menu.
  • To repeat an appointment, right-click on it and choose Repeat Appointment from the pop-up menu.
  • To export whatever information is currently displayed in the list, right-click anywhere in the list and choose Export List from the pop-up menu.
  • To modify which columns are displayed in the list, right-click anywhere in the list and choose Form Preferences | Show Columns from the pop-up menu.


  • The administrator can view all appointments, even ones marked private.
  • Click the drop down arrow next to the Schedule Board to Create Appointment or View Appointment List.
  • You can delete multiple appointments. To highlight multiple appointments, press and hold your Ctrl key and click each appointment. Ā Select a range of appointments byĀ highlighting the first appointment in that range, pressing and holding the left Shift key, and clicking the last appointment in that range.

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