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This help topic covers trouble-shooting your Caller Identifier hardware. This is an optional device that connects to your telephone system. This hardware works in conjunction with our Caller ID Server.

Please note, at this time, the Caller ID functionality exists for our on premise customers only.


This is an advanced topic designed for a network administrator, not a novice computer technician.


The Caller Identifier connects to your incoming telephone lines. It sends a signal via a serial cable to a computer that is running our Caller ID Server. The Caller ID Server sends information to each instance of Total Office Manager that may be running. This allows Total Office Manager users to see who is calling and quickly access that caller’s records – if they are on file.


Power on Procedure

  • Plug the supplied AC Wall Transformer (12VAC Output) into a 110 VAC outlet and the Power Connector into the back of the Identifier connector labeled ‘POWER’.
  • When power is supplied to the Identifier a Red LED, located between the DB-9 “OUT” connector and the Line 1 RJ-12 jack, will illuminate. After about 1 second the LED will flash 5 times. Then if the Identifier is properly connected to a serial port and the serial port’s CTS signal is active , the LED will turn off. If the LED remains on either the cable is not properly connected or the device (computer or serial printer) is not driving the serial port’s CTS signal. When connected to a computer serial port, software must be controlling the serial port to make the CTS signal active. Most communications software which connects to a CommPortwill automatically set CTS active. If the LED continues flashing the internal diagnostics has found a failure, and the unit may need to be returned for repair.
  • If the LED remains illuminated when you have the cable connected properly and you have software running which is currently accessing the CommPort, check the following:
  • Make sure the software is connected to the same CommPortthe Identifier is connected to.
  • Make sure the cable is properly connected. Use the supplied cable.
  • Power the Identifier down and up again. Make sure the LED flashes 5 times after about 1 second. If not the unit is defective.
  • Remove the cable from the computer and loop the cable between the “OUT” port and the “IN” port. If the LED goes out, the computer or software is the problem. If not, either the Identifier or the cable may be defective.
  • Once communications is established the Identifier sends a power-on initialization string such as;
    1. +0,1,”YES MLM-8X 04/22/94,1.10
  • This can be viewed by using a terminal program such as Procomm or HyperTerminal (which comes with Windows)

Using Hyper Terminal to View the Identifier’s Output

These instructions are compatible with Windows 98 and Higher. Some of these instructions are meant to be performed by advanced computer technicians and may be inappropriate for those not comfortable with such procedure.


  2. In the Hyper Terminal group window double click the HYPERTRM.EXE icon. This will bring up the CONNECTION DESCRIPTION dialog box.

  3. Enter a name such as CALLERID, click OK.

  4. In the PHONE NUMBER dialog box change the CONNECT USING to “Direct to ComX” (where X is the commport to which the Identifier is connected).

  5. Click OK.

  6. The COM PROPERTIES must be:

  7. Bit per Second: 4800
    Data Bits: 8
    Parity: None
    Stop Bits: 1
    Flow Control: Hardware

  8. Click Ok

You should now be connected to the Identifier. Unplug and power up the Identifier. Watch the Red LED on the rear of the Identifier. It will blink about 5 times then go out. If it does not blink power was not applied or the unit is defective. If it stays on (after blinking) you have not connected to the correct com port or the serial cable is not connected properly. The instant the LED stops blinking, on the Hyper Terminal screen you should see something like:

1.Ā Ā Ā  +0,1,"YES MLM-8X",05/27/95,1.27

Type in ATSNthen press the Enter key . You will not see anything as you type, but after you press Enter you should get the serial number that looks something like: +3,2,8480912

This confirms the Identifier is correctly installed. If you have phone lines connected to the Identifier at this point you should see additional events depending on phone line activity. You can view examples of what you might see by clicking on “Output Examples” in the menu bar at the top of this page. You can also type in commands as described in the technical manual. You can view this manual by clicking on “Technical Manual” in the menu bar at the top of this page.

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