
From time to time it may become necessary to update the Income, COGS/Expense, or Asset [Chart of Account] selections for your Invoice Items. Doing so can affect past (historical) transactions should you choose to allow it.


  1. Upon saving after changing either the Income Account, COGS/Expense Account, or Asset Account selections for an Invoice the following screen will appear alerting you and prompting you to confirm Ā these changes.
  2. Once you have confirmed the account changes, a second screen will appear offering you the opportunity to “Change Historical Transactions” as well as providing additional information related to this change (see image below). You may disapprove changing historical transactions and still confirm your account changes by clicking NO. By clicking NO your account changes will only affect future transactions.
  3. If you click YES and approve Changing Historical Transactions a third screen will appear where you will verify the date from which you wish to affect as well as each account type change (Income, COGS/Expense, and Asset Accounts).You may check as many or as few as you wish to approve your preferred changes.


  • In most cases you will NOT want to change the historical information related to the Invoice Item when changing the Chart of Account selections. Be sure to verify with your accountant before saying YES to these changes as they cannot be reversed.

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