Understanding and Using the Taxes Tab
This help topic covers how to use the Employee Payroll Items > Taxes tab.
The Taxes Tab displays individual payroll tax items for a certain employee. These are items you should have already setup in Total Office Manager.
You can add any number of these items to this list of taxes. You may change certain properties of these tax items without changing the original tax items. Please note that some properties will NOT be enabled and therefore canāt be changed.
Once a tax item is part of this list, many of its properties are independent (or detached) from the original tax item. That means you can edit them without affecting the original tax item.
Accessing the Taxes Tab
- From the Employee form, click Menu > Payroll Items.
- From the Employee List, right click on the employee and clickĀ Payroll Items.
Accessing the Main Tax Item
From the main menu, click Employees | Lists | Payroll Items List. Ā Right click on a line item and select Edit or New. Click the Taxes tab.
- The Tax List GridĀ shows all taxes for the group. To add an item, click in the ID column and click on the down arrow to bring up a list of items. Select the item to add to the list. The order they are selected becomes their new sort order. To delete, click on the red X in the first column. To select, click anywhere on the line or use the record selector on the left.
- The ID field displays the name of the item. When editing, you canāt change this field.
- The Description field is a short description of the item (optional). You can change it if you wish.
- The Account ID box displays the COA account to charge this item against. When editing, you canāt change this field.
- The Calculation Type selection shows the types of calculation types that this item may use. The options to date are Federal, State, Local, Fixed Amount, Percent, Hourly Amount, and Hourly Percent. When editing, you canāt change this field.
- The Notes on Calculation Type field displays the Federal, State and Local calculations that use the Total Office Managerās Payroll Tax Tables, so none of the detail fields are enabled.
- The Amount field displays the amount of the tax item. The Calculation Type affects its availability. You can change it if you wish.
- The Percent field indicates the percent amount of this tax item. The calculation type affects its availability. When editing, you canāt change this field.
- The Limit field displays the payroll ceiling for this tax item. The calculation type affects its availability. The income ceiling that you are allowed to withhold from. You can change it if you wish.
- In the Max Amount field, change the value as needed. Calculation type affects its availability. The maximum amount you can withhold in any given year.
- The Special Tax tabĀ includes special instructions from the Total Office Managerās Payroll Tax TablesĀ that will be used when calculating taxes. If there are no special instructions the tab is invisible.
- The Info button will open a dialog giving all information that the Total Office Managerās Payroll Tax TablesĀ has.
- The Inactive Option box makes the currently selected item from the list inactive.
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