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The Basics of Printing Reports

Obviously, printing is the most essential part of Total Office Manager. We highly recommend that you invest a little more money and acquire a good laser printer. A second dedicated printer should be considered for check printing. If your company has an older ink jet type printer, it may be great for this purpose.


You may consider having a good laser printer for everyday reports. An inexpensive ink jet type printer can be handy for printing checks. Leave this printer loaded with check stock and dedicate it for check printing only. You may also have another printer pre-loaded with special paper (like forms or letter head) for printing invoices or statements.

Form Access

Use the Reports main menu. Ā Alternatively, use the Report Navigator by clicking Reports | Report Navigator.


  1. Select the report of your choice by clicking the report name from the list. The next screen presents you with a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) view of your report. At this point, you don’t have any further options to format the report. If you wish to make formatting changes, you must close the report and go back through the Report Format procedures.
  2. Maximize the Print Preview form and set the report magnification to 100%.
  3. Make certain that your printer is turned on and that you have inserted plenty of paper. Please note: Total Office Managerā„¢ will use the ” default ” printer that Windows has loaded. If you wish to change the printer, consult your Windows user ‘s guide.
  4. Click the Print button. Depending on the speed of your computer system and the size of the print job, you may see a status window appear. This box will give you a progress report of the print job as it is being processed.

Printing Tips

  • Many of the reports in Total Office Manager allow you to “drill-down” of various records. This opens another report or form. What is opened depends on the report. For example, the income statement and balance sheet have this capability. If you double click “Rent”, a Transactions Details by Account report will be created. This allows you to see all of the transactions that made up the account balance for rent.
  • Use the forward and reverse buttons at the top of the Print Preview form (black arrows) to quickly move through the report.
  • Use the search feature to quickly locate a record or work you are looking for. Click the binocular icon and enter what you are searching for.
  • If you have problems printing the entire report correctly, please make certain that your printer is configured for graphics printing. See your printer’s user’s manual or contact the manufacturer (or vendor) for more information. Total Office Manager supports most all modern bubble jet and laser printers automatically.
  • To reduce the possibility of “Out of Memory” error messages and for faster printing, set your printer resolution from 600 dpi to 300 dpi. Please note that some printers do not have this option.
  • Total Office Manager does not directly include an option to print on both sides of a sheet of paper or to print the last sheet first. This option is actually not a software option at all. It is an option only possible with the printer itself. Check to see if your printer allows this option. You may do this by checking the printer driver properties or the printer’s user manual.

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