
Each year the Federal government requires that the employer send a W-3 Form in. This form is a summary of all W-2 forms.

Total Office Manager allows you generate W-3 Forms quickly and easily. It also gives you the ability to add any special items that Total Office Manager does not automatically include.

Who must file Form W3?

Anyone required to file Form W-2 must file Form W-3 to transmit Copy A of Forms W-2.

Form Access

  • From the main menu, click Employee | W2 and W3 (Wage and Tax Statement).


  1. Select a year from the drop down menu and click Calculate to create new W3 forms. You will be prompted for an optional control number. The Control Number field appears on the IRS W3 form. Total Office Manager does not require this number. Most businesses will not need to enter a control number. It does not matter if you enter one or not.

  2. Select a year from the menu and click View to see the W3 forms. If there is no data for the year selected, it is automatically generated. The W3 window then opens.

  3. The user can then edit any field on the form. When finished, they can choose ā€˜Recalculateā€™ from the W3 Processing form.


  • W3 processing is very important and accuracy is essential. Please see your accountant if you need specific help for your business.

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