Understanding Gross Profit Per Person Day Possibly the Most Important KPI you could ever use. The Quick Answer Indicates how well you are applying available field labor top producing gross profit dollars (as opposed to merely sales). This is the number of full business days available to perform work per billable person. It is important […]
Introduction Located under the Report menu, the Financials – Budget Report displays in report form the data from a previously prepared budget. Ā In short, a budget is a set of financial statements for a future time period. Ā It is used to predict a companyās financial position for that period. Form Access From the main menu, […]
Introduction to Importing and Exporting Budgets This help topic covers how to set up and manage budgets in Total Office Manager. We also cover exporting, importing, and working with budgets in Microsoft Excel. Total Office Manager makes budgeting easy with its powerful budget feature. Usage A budget is basically an income statement for some future […]