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Aptora Mobile II – Invoices, Sales, and Estimates can be both viewed and edited within the mobile application. However, they can only be created from Work Orders. In addition to editing, you can also print, email, capture signatures, and take payments toward your transactions.

The following are some of the elements of an Invoice that Aptora Mobile users can view:

  • Date

  • Customer:Job Name

  • Amounts (Subtotal, Tax, Total)

  • Items and Item Details (including Price, Quantity, and Description)

  • Service Agreements

  • And More

In addition, Aptora Mobile users with Edit permissions can also modify many elements of a saved Invoice, Sale, or Estimate including:

  • Memos

  • Items (Including Price, Quantity, and Description)

  • Details

  • PO Numbers

  • Marketing Types

  • Departments

  • Sales Rep

  • Terms

  • And More

Form Access

The quickest way to access your Invoices, Sales, or Estimates within Aptora Mobile is from the Dashboard. You can quickly access the Dashboard from any screen by clicking the ā€œHomeā€ button located at the bottom of the screen.

Once youā€™re back on the Dashboard, click More, then Lists, and finally, Invoices and Sales or Estimates.

  • From the Dashboard, click More | Lists | Work Orders.



With an Invoice, Sale, or Estimate open you will immediately notice basic information displayed at the top with several expandable tabs below to view other information. At the top-right of the screen you will see several important icons for use with your transactions. From left to right, these are as follows:

Signature Capture: Capture a digital copy of a customerā€™s signature for the Invoice.
Email Work Order: Send the Invoice as an Email. Email setup required.
Print Work Order: Open the Invoice in a print-friendly format.
CC Payment: Accept a Credit Card for payment against an Invoice or Sale.
Payment Method: Select the payment method used for an Invoice or Sale.
Invoice Settings: Quick access to Invoice Settings.

Editing an Invoice

In Aptora Mobile it is possible to edit much of the data on Invoice accessible in Aptora Mobile allowing you to add additional Items to the Invoice, change pricing, memos, descriptions, terms, and more. This applies to Invoice and Sales, as well as Estimates.

To edit an Invoice, Sale, or Estimate, first select an Invoice to edit. Once the invoice is open, click the ā€œEditā€ button located on the top-right corner of the screen to put the Work Order in edit mode.

Approving Mobile Invoices in Total Office Manager

Invoices created in Aptora Mobile will be designated in Total Office Manager as a new type called Mobile Invoice. Mobile Invoices and payments accepted in Aptora Mobile do not directly affect Accounts Receivable (A/R), Income, COGS, or other accounts.

Mobile Invoices must first be approved and converted into a standard Invoice in Total Office Manager. All Invoice validation remains the same, including preferences such as those requiring a Salesman, Department, or Sales Tax Item.

  • To approve a Mobile Invoice, simply open the Mobile Invoice in Total Office and save it.

  • You may make changes to this Invoice as you would any normal Invoice.

Once a Mobile Invoice has been approved all financial accounts (A/R, Income, COGS, etc.) will be affected as usual.

An Invoice that was created from Aptora Mobile will always have the ā€œMobile Invoiceā€ in the security stamp at the bottom left of the form.

For additional information on Invoices, Invoice Preferences, and Security Stamps, please see the related topics in our Total Office Manager Help System.

Signature Capture

Aptora Mobile users can make use of the Signature Capture feature to capture an image of a customerā€™s signature for use when signing off on Work Orders, Invoices, or Payments.

Simply click the ā€œSignature Captureā€ icon for the Invoice you wish to capture the signature for and then allow the customer to use your device to write out their signature with their finger or a stylus.

  • Signatures captured in Aptora Mobile can be viewed on and used on printed Invoices in Total Office Manager.

To view a captured Invoice signature, open the related Invoice and click Menu | Show Signature. A form will appear displaying the signature if one is available on that Invoice.

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Aptora Mobile – Dashboard
Sales Forms

Work Order Basics in Aptora Mobile II