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The Bills List Report displays vendor bills in a variety of useful formats.

Form Access

  • From the main menu, click Reports | Accounting | Vendor | Bills List, or use the Report Navigator.

Reports - Bill List File Path
Reports – Bill List File Path

Report Options

Bill List Report Options
Bill List Report Options

Date Filter Area

The following date filtering is available in this report.

  • Date Range – Choose from a pre-defined range of time-frames from the “Date Range” drop-down list, or enter a custom range using the “From” and “To” fields.

Filter Area

The following general filters are available in this report.

  • Vendor – To filter bills on this report by a particular vendor, select the vendor from this drop-down list.
  • Customer:Job – When bills are entered, they can be ear-marked to be associated with a specific customer. Ā To filter bills on this report by a particular customer, select the customer from this drop-down list.

Additional Report Options

The following additional options are available for this report. Check the corresponding box to include the information within the report.

  • Include Voided Bills – Includes voided bills in the report.
  • Include Paid Bills – Includes paid bills in the report.
  • Detailed- Includes a summary area at the end of the report, which lists each vendor, the amount owed to each vendor, and the overall total owed in a condensed format.

Other Controls

  • Cancel – The Cancel button closes the window.
  • Preview – The Preview button will show an on-screen display of the report, from which a hard-copy can be printed. Ā The preview screen is also capable exporting the report in a PDF format for email use. Ā A text search function in the preview screen can be used to locate a particular string of text.
  • Close Window on Preview – Ticking this checkbox will have the options window automatically close when the Preview button is clicked.

Related Content

How to Use the Vendor Bills List (locating bills)