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The Contact Log Topics List is used create and manage the topics which appear in contact logs. Ā Logs are used for entering notes and contacts for your customers, vendors, employees, your own company, and assets. Ā Topics help organize contact logs. Ā Examples might include Pre-Sales Questions, Post Sale Questions, Support, Collections, Sales Call, etc.

Form Access

  • From the main menu, click Company | Lists | Log Topics List.

Contact Log Topics List
Contact Log Topics List


Perhaps the easiest way of using the commands available in this list is through its right click menu. Ā The right click menu is identical to the title menu.

Log Topic Menu Options
Log Topic Menu Options
  • To create a new log topic, right click anywhere in the list and choose New Log Topic from the pop-up menu.
  • To edit a log topic, right-click on it and choose Edit Log Topic from the pop-up menu.
  • To delete a log topic, right-click on it and choose Delete Log Topic from the pop-up menu.
  • To export whatever information is currently displayed in the list, right-click anywhere in the list and choose Export List from the pop-up menu.

Creating a New Contact Log Topic

New Contact Log
  1. Open the Add Log Topic form by right-clicking anywhere in the Log Topics List and selecting “New Log Topic” from the pop-up menu. Ā The Add Log Topic form will appear.
  2. Enter a name for the new topic in the “Log Topic Type” field.
  3. In the “Apply To” section, tick the checkbox for each place the new topic should appear.
  4. Click OK to save and close the form, or click Next to save and create another.

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