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Contact Log – Overview describes the various locations where logs exist for customers, vendors, your own company, employees, and assets within Total Office Manager. Logs are used to enter important notes and contact information. Ā This feature is similar to what might be found in popular contact management software.

Form Access

  • From the main menu, click Company | Company Information. Click Menu | Contact Log button

  • From the main menu, click Company | Asset Manager. Ā Open an asset and click the Log button

  • From the main menu, click Customers | Customer:Job List. Double-Click on a Customer | Menu | Contact Log.

  • From the main menu, click Vendor | Vendor List |Double-Click on a Vendor | Menu | Contact Log.

  • From the main menu, click Employees. Double-Click on an Employee | Contact Log button

Note: The customers and vendor name will automatically populate the top of the form. Ā On the employees tab, the employeeā€™s name will automatically populate the ā€™Information For’ field.



Make notes about late pays, when contact information changes; customer care notes, future recommendations, referrals, customer complaints, returned checks, use for anything you would want to keep track of.

Example: If you are out on a service call, and you promise a customer something (their next cleaning free, free air filter, the next trip back, bring them a part at no charge) you will want to make sure this promise is kept, either by you or one of your techs. Putting these types of things into the log will help you or anyone in your company know and remember what has been told to your customer (especially if the employee who offered the service compensation is no longer with your company). This feature will help you give that outstanding customer service.


Enter notes about price increases, late deliveries, incorrect orders delivered, over charges, returned goods request for credit, contact information (persons name), for recording calls, information about the Sales Rep. Be sure to log promises they have made you. Record everything that is important to you and your business.


Log evaluations (performance reviews), sick calls, late calls, record something outstanding they accomplished, funeral leave, jury duty, reprimands, and anything you feel, you need Ā to keep track of.

Field and Button Definitions

Contact Log Form Options
Contact Log Form Options
  • Red X – Click on the X to delete the record.
  • Entered By – Enter or select your name, if you are the person entering the information.
  • Date – The current date will populate this field automatically.
  • Time – The current time will populate this field automatically.
  • Topic – Select (from the drop down menu) the topic of the Log event. Ex. Customer Complaint, Employee Evaluation, or Vendor Late Delivery.
    • Note: You go to Company | Lists | Log Topic List to enter a New Topic.
  • Subject – What is this Log entry relating to? Give it a Title.
  • Notes – Enter any pertinent information you would like to keep track of or remember about this particular log activity.
  • Save & Close – Saves the contact log and closes the form.
  • Save – Saves the contact log.
  • Spelling – Checks the spelling of the entry
  • Preview Log – Displays a preview of a hard copy of the log, available to be printed.
  • Export List – Allows the export of contact log data in a variety of useful formats.
  • Start – Starts the stopwatch in the lower left-hand corner of the log. Ā Useful for timing telephone conversations among other contacts.
  • Stop – Stops the stopwatch.
  • Apply – Transfers the stopwatch “Count” to the “Total” field of the active log entry.
  • Reset – Resets the stopwatch to zero.
  • Topic Filter – Filters the log display according to the selected topic. Ā The displayed results will carry over into the printable report when clicking the Preview Log button.
  • Entered by Filter – Select from all possible users who have made entries into the log.
  • Subject Filter – Text field to narrow results based on subject matter.
  • Include Entire Family (Parents & Children) – tick the box to include the entire contact log entries for the family.
  • Include Work Order Notes – tick the box to include the work order notes associated with the Customer:Job.

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Contact Log Topics List

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