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Preferences – Caller ID is where to enable the Caller ID function for incoming calls to appear, and set various related options. Within this preference, there is a ‘My Preference’ as well as a ‘Company Preferences’ options to configure within Total Office Manager. Please note, at this time, the Caller ID functionality exists for our on premise customers only.

Form Access

  • From the main menu, click Edit | Preferences or

Preferences File Path
Preferences File Path
  • From the toolbar, click the Preferences button.

Preferences Toolbar
Preferences Toolbar

Field & Button Definitions

Caller ID - My Preference
Caller ID – My Preference
  • Activate Call Identifier System (Caller ID) – When ticked, this checkbox enables the Caller ID system.
    • Always Listen – Has the Caller ID system always “listen” and report incoming call info.
    • Listen Only When Call Identifier Window Open – Has the Caller ID system “listen” and report incoming call info only when the user has the Caller ID window open.
  • Reset Connection – Disconnects and reconnects the Caller ID connection. Will give the result of the connection status next to the button.
  • Include Area Code in Search – When ticked, includes the area code when the Caller ID system is searching the database for caller information. Ā Most often used in areas where the customer base is spread across multiple area codes.

Company Preferences

Caller ID - Company Preference
Caller ID – Company Preference
  • Server TCP/IP Address – Used to indicate the address of the Caller ID “Server” on your network. Ā The Caller ID server does not have to be the same computer as your Total Office Manager server.


Related Content

Caller ID – Phone Monitor