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The Payroll preference window is where to configure defaults related to paying bills.

Form Access

  • From the main menu, click Edit | Preferences, or

  • From the toolbar, click the Preferences button.

Field & Button Definitions

  • Pay Liabilities Default Bank – Select the default bank account to propose when paying payroll liabilities.
  • Payroll Checks Default Bank – Select the default bank account to propose when creating paychecks.
  • Allocate Payroll Taxes to Job Costing – Controls whether or not, and how payroll taxes are allocated to job costing. Ā The options are (1.) Inactive, (2.) Treat as Expenses (Overhead), or (3.) Treat as Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS).
  • Time Sheet Defaults | Earning Item – Select the default earning item to propose on new timesheet entries.
  • Time Sheet Defaults | Service Item – Select the default service item to propose on new timesheet entries.
  • Enable Payroll Service – When ticked, enables the payroll service functionality in the program.
  • Payroll Service Vendor – If the payroll service feature in enabled, selected the payroll service vendor from this drop-down list.
  • Warn if Excess Time Off Usage (payroll processing) – When ticked, a warning will appear while processing payroll if an employee has exceeded their available time off (sick leave, vacation time, etc).
  • Use Certified Payroll – Tick the checkbox to enable the certified payroll functionality.

Related Content

Preferences – Overview
Reports – Certified Payroll Register

Certified Payroll Setup and Usage