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Understanding and Complying with the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Manual


Is your company eligible to provide Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) coverage? How do you know if you are meeting all the federal requirements? Which employees qualify to take FMLA leave and how much leave can be taken? You will learn the answers to all of these questions and much more. Learn what to do about continuing health coverage and other benefits while an employee is on FMLA leave, and what you can and cannot do when reinstating an employee to their job position after FMLA leave. This book teaches you all the necessary things you need to know about the FMLA. Includes a “basic knowledge” handout for the employee, a Department of Labor Notice that can be posted by the employer, and a set of FMLA medical/leave request forms approved by The Department of Labor. We have also included a copy of the actual FMLA Act, as well as over two dozen of the most frequently asked FMLA questions. Comprehensive, yet to the point. All documents are in Microsoft Word format so you can edit them as needed. We also include the entire manual as a PDF. This book includes over 50 pages of information for you to use as a reference.

Understanding and Complying with the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Manual

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