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The Vendor Form – Address Info Tab is used to store basic contact information including billing address, phone/fax/cell numbers, email & website addresses, and more for your vendors.

Form Access

  • From the main menu, click Vendors | New Vendor, or

New Vendor File Path
New Vendor File Path
  • From the toolbar, click the Add New Vendor button.

Vendors Toolbar
Vendors Toolbar

Vendor Form – Address Info Tab – Field and Button Definitions

New Vendor - Address Tab

  • Company Name – Enter the company name the vendor does business under.
  • Vendor Name – Enter the name of the vendor.
  • Mr./Mrs./ – (Optional) Enter if you use these types of titles with your vendors.
  • First Name – Enter the first name of the vendor.
  • M.I. – Enter the middle initial of the vendor, if applicable.
  • Last Name – Enter the last name of the vendor.
  • Print on check as – Enter exactly how the payee field should be completed when writing a check to the vendor (if different than the entry in the Vendor Name field).
  • Address – Enter the street address where the vendor wants the bill sent to.
  • Address 2 – Enter the secondary address or the apartment number or building number.
  • City – Enter the city the vendor resides in.
  • State/Province – Enter the State or Province the vendor resides in.
  • Zip/Postal – Enter the zip code or postal code for the vendor. If you donā€™t know the code, use the Find button to the left of the zip code field.
  • Country – (Optional) Enter the country the vendor resides in.
  • Contact – Enter the contact name for the vendor.
  • Phone/Ext – Enter the vendor’s phone number and the extension if applicable.
  • Cell – Enter the vendor’s cell Phone number if applicable.
  • Pager – Enter the vendor’s pager number if applicable.
  • Pager-Pin – Enter the vendor’s pager-pin number if applicable.
  • Fax – Enter the vendor’s fax number if applicable.
  • Alt. Ph. – Enter an alternate phone number if applicable.
  • Alt. Contact – Enter the name of the alternate contact.
  • E-mail – Enter vendor’s e-mail address if applicable.
  • Website – Enter vendor’s website address if applicable.
  • Carrier # – Enter the vendor’s carrier number (if provided).
  • Latitude – Total Office Manager displays this information for mapping purposes. The actual definition is “the angular distance between an imaginary line around a heavenly body parallel to its equator and the equator itself”.
  • Longitude – Total Office Manager displays this information for mapping purposes. The actual definition is “meridian: an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the north and south poles at right angles to the equator; “all points on the same meridian have the same longitude”.

Related Content

Vendor Form – Contacts Tab

Vendor Form – Overview

Vendor List