How to Setup Doing Business As (DBA)Ā DBA ā Abbreviation for āDoing Business As.ā Companies must usually file DBA with their state indicating their doing business under a particular business name.Ā When printing, you will have the option of using this or the company name in certain important documents like checks, invoices, purchase orders, etc.Ā Ā […]
How to Add, Edit, and Manage Your Company’s Fixed Assets and Tools The Company Asset feature tracks company assets. Ā Assets can many times represent a significant portion of a company’s net worth. Ā Assets include vehicles, office equipment, and tools, etcetera. These are not customer owned and not to be confused with customer equipment. Use the […]
How to Assign/Track Tools and Assets with the Asset Manager The Asset Manager is used to manage the various assets owned by the company. Ā Often, assets can represent a significant portion of a company’s net worth. Ā Use the Asset Manager to record these assets, assign an asset to an employee, transfer an asset from one […]
How to Set Up and Manage Customer and Vendor Payment Terms This topic will cover setting up, editing, deleting, and inactivating different payment terms used within Total Office Manager. Usage Terms refer to the payment options offered to you by your suppliers or vendors. It also refers to payment terms YOU offer your own customers. […]