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Mobile II

Mobile Form Builder FAQs

FAQ for Aptora Mobile Form Builder Q: AMFB is called a ā€œPlug-inā€. What is a ā€œPlug-inā€? A: Aptora has built an elaborate plug-in infrastructure to allow us and other Q: Why do IĀ get the message ā€œAccess to File Path Deniedā€ when trying to generate the report from the form created in mobile? A: This message […]

Mobile Form Builder FAQs

Reinstalling the Aptora Mobile II Form Builder Plug-in

There may be times when the mobile installation becomes corrupted and removes access to components previously installed. The plug-in for Form Builder in Aptora Mobile II falls victim to Windows Updates when the original installation was not completed with the User Account Control disabled.Ā  You can always tell the applications affected as the icons will

Reinstalling the Aptora Mobile II Form Builder Plug-in Read More Ā»

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