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Contact Log (Vendor) Report

Introduction The Contact Log (Vendor) report displays entries from vendor contact logs. Log entries are recorded in the contact log under a Vendor. Form Access From the main menu, click Reports | Contacts & Jobs | Contact Log (Vendor), or use the Report Navigator. Report Options Date Filter Area The following date filtering is available

Contact Log (Vendor) Report

Vendor Form – Contacts Tab

Introduction The Vendor Form – Contacts Tab is used to record additional contacts for the Vendor. Ā These records store electronic contact information only, not postal information. Ā A virtually unlimited number of additional contact records can be stored in the Contacts tab. The Caller ID feature scans these entries just as other contacts in the program.

Vendor Form – Contacts Tab

Vendor Form – Overview

Introduction The Vendor Form – Overview reviews the form used to setup new vendors in Total Office Manager.Ā  The Vendor form holds all the contact and general information for those specific vendors. Form Access From the main menu, click Vendors | New Vendor, or From the toolbar, click the Add New Vendor button. Vendor Form

Vendor Form – Overview

Vendor Types List

Introduction The Vendor Types List is used to manage and classify the various suppliers (vendors) from which you buy goods and services. Examples Vendor Types: Equipment Parts Computer Repair Office Supplies Advertising Bank/Financial Professional Government Communications Form Access From the main menu, click Vendors | Vendor Type List. Usage Perhaps the easiest way of using

Vendor Types List

Vendor List

Introduction The Vendor List is used to set up and manage vendors. It is your central information center for your Vendors. Total Office Manager provides you with a thorough form to use for entering all the pertinent information you will need for each of your vendors. For a full explanation of the vendor form, click

Vendor List

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