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We are often asked about the intended flow of the Sales Opportunity Manager. This feature was designed to help you manage, track, and report on sales leads.

The flow is subjective and not all agree on any certain way to do it. It can also vary by staffing, at any moment. That’s why we teach each individual piece of the program and let the user decide what the flow will be. Here is my sales opportunity flow.

A call or email comes in with a prospect wanting a price:

  1. The person answering the phone or email enters a Sales Opportunity and assigns it to a salesperson. The salesperson notices the lead on the mobile device and contacts the prospect to schedule an appointment. The Custom Service Representative (CSR) only fills out the bare minimum. You establish Required Fields in Preferences.
    • If a service technician creates the opportunity, they use the My Employee Leads feature in Aptora Mobile II. They might assign the lead to a salesperson or to a CSR, who would then assign the correct sales person. Your choice.
  2. The salesperson contacts the prospect and makes an initial introduction. They enter an appointment (this could have also been done by the person that answered the phone). There is a shortcut from the Sales Opportunity from both Total Office Manager and Aptora Mobile II.
  3. While at the prospect’s location, the salesperson completes the rest of the Sales Opportunity, including Qualification questions and or Profile questions.
  4. From the Sales Opportunity, the salesperson creates one or more estimates. They may also use the My Flat Rate Book to offer a sales presentation. A sub-customer is not created unless the sale is made.
  5. If the sale is made, a sub-customer is created by the office and the estimate is switched to that sub. Other records, such as the original appointment, might be changed to the new sub. That sub is used for all subsequent selections. The name of the job (sub) is determined by the office, using an established naming convention of your choice.
  6. The process of ordering and scheduling for this job now begins. This is usually done by the office.

Note: When an estimate is created from a sales opportunity in Aptora Mobile II, the estimate is not selected automatically within that sales opportunity. That is a Total Office Manager only capability. Of course, that capability can be added (and we likely will) but Aptora Mobile II was not meant to match Total Office Manager’s capabilities. It will always fall short of Total Office Manager’s capabilities.

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